Feature Pack 5

Updating the Solr web archive (WAR)

Cumulative interim fix JR53048 contains an updated Solr web archive that you must deploy to support the search-related fixes that are included in JR53048.

Before you begin

Install the cumulative interim fix for Feature Pack 5, JR53048.fep.


  1. Extract the Solr.zip file from the SolrUpdate_5.0.0.0-WS-WC70FeaturePack5Server-IFJR53048.fep.zip package to a local directory.
  2. Deploy the Solr.zip file by following the directions in the topic, Deploying Java EE assets for a partial application, with the following exceptions:
    • Use the Solr server WebSphere Application Server Administration Console instead of the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console
    • Use Solr_instance_name instead of WC_instance_name
    • Select the "Replace, add, or delete multiple files" radio button on the 'Preparing for the application update' page