WebSphere Commerce Developer

Installing WebSphere Commerce Developer maintenance

WebSphere Commerce Developer maintenance includes installing fix packs and interim fixes (APARs).

  • To install and apply interim fixes (including cumulative fixes), follow the instructions in the readme.txt file that is included in the interim fix. Each interim fix readme file includes specific step-by-step instructions that are required for that particular interim fix.
  • To install or uninstall WebSphere Commerce Developer fix packs, use the IBM Installation Manager that you used to install WebSphere Commerce Developer. The following topics explain the procedures to install or uninstall fix packs.
  • WebSphere Commerce Developer fix packs and interim fixes might include updates to the workspace_dir folder, the WCDE_installdir/components folder and the workspace_dir/Stores folder. If you restore the development environment to a previous state, the updates to those folders will still exist.