Feature Pack 8

Enabling interim fix JR55670

Interim fix JR55670 resolves cases where SKUs are not being displayed in the sequence that is specified in the Management Center.

Before you begin

Install the cumulative interim fix for Feature Pack 8, JR59483.fep.


  1. Open the following file:
    • WebSphere Commerce Developerworkspace_dir/Search/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.catalog-ext/wc-search.xml
    • Search_eardir/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.catalog-ext/wc-search.xml
    For more information about updating the wc-search.xml file, see Changing properties in the search configuration file.
  2. Update the <_config:profile> tag in your existing search profile as follows:
    <_config:profile name="IBM_findCatalogEntrySKUs" indexName="CatalogEntry">
                    <_config:param name="group.sort" value="item_sequence asc"/>    
  3. Deploy the file to your production environment.

What to do next

This ifix changes preprocess template and search configuration files. You must run the setupSearchIndex utility to re-index them. Perform the additional setup steps described in Additional steps for WebSphere Commerce search interim fixes: Setting up the search index.