
This section describes the architecture of the Log4j2.properties file. This file is used in the setup and configuration of logging output and messages from the application.

For more information, see the following two areas:

appenders =
Modifiable Field appenders
Field Description Define the name of the appenders
Possible Values User defined for example - A1, Rolling
Value Definition
rootLogger.level =
Modifiable Field rootLogger.level
Field Description Defines the level of the logger
Possible Values Logger has a level of WARN
Value Definition

There are various levels of logger FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL

For more details, see https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/index.html

rootLogger.appenderRefs = 
Modifiable Field rootLogger.appenderRefs
Field Description The name of the Appenders to invoke
Possible Values User defined for example - stdout
Value Definition
rootLogger.appenderRef.stdout.ref = 
Modifiable Field rootLogger.appenderRef.stdout.ref
Field Description The name of the Appenders type to invoke
Possible Values User defined for example - STDOUT
Value Definition
appender.A1.type =
Modifiable Field appender.A1.type
Field Description Defines the output destination that appender A1 will send the formatted messages to
Possible Values User defined, for example Console sends the messages to the console
Value Definition
appender.A1.name =
Modifiable Field appender.A1.name
Field Description Defines the name of the appender
Possible Values User defined for example - STDOUT
Value Definition
appender.A1.layout.type =
Modifiable Field appender.A1.layout.type
Field Description Used to specify the output format of the log messages
Possible Values User defined for example - PatternLayout
Value Definition
appender.A1.layout.charset =
Modifiable Field appender.A1.layout.charset
Field Description Encoding type to be used for the message output
Possible Values User defined - for example UTF8
Value Definition
appender.A1.layout.pattern =
Modifiable Field appender.A1.layout.pattern
Field Description Defines the pattern to be used for formatting the output of the log messages
Possible Values User defined
Value Definition


appender.Rolling.type =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.type
Field Description Defines the output destination that appender Rolling will send the formatted messages to.
Possible Values User defined, for example RollingFileAppender
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.name =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.name
Field Description The name of the appender Rolling
Possible Values User defined
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.fileName =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.fileName
Field Description The name of the file that the messages are logged to.
Possible Values User defined - for example trc.log
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.layout.type =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.layout.type
Field Description Used to specify the output format of the log messages
Possible Values User defined, for example: PatternLayout
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.layout.charset =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.layout.charset
Field Description Encoding type to be used for the message output
Possible Values User defined, for example - UTF-8
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.layout.pattern =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.layout.pattern
Field Description Defines the pattern to be used for formatting the output of the log messages
Possible Values User defined
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.policies.type =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.policies.type
Field Description Defines the Policies for the appender
Possible Values User defined
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.policies.size.type =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.policies.size.type
Field Description The policy to use to determine if a rollover should occur.
Possible Values User defined, for example - SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.policies.size.size =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.policies.size.size
Field Description The file size for triggering the rollover
Possible Values User defined
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.strategy.type =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.strategy.type
Field Description The strategy to use to determine the name and location of the archive file
Possible Values User defined, for example - DefaultRolloverStrategy
Value Definition
appender.Rolling.strategy.max =
Modifiable Field appender.Rolling.strategy.max
Field Description Defines the number of back up log files to keep
Possible Values User defined, for example 4
Value Definition
loggers =
Modifiable Field loggers
Field Description Define the logger
Possible Values User defined, for example - rolling
Value Definition
logger.rolling.name =
Modifiable Field logger.rolling.name
Field Description The name of the logger
Possible Values User defined, for example - com.bigfix
Value Definition
logger.rolling.level =
Modifiable Field logger.rolling.level
Field Description Defines the level of logging information to be output.
Possible Values
  • INFO
  • WARN
  • OFF
Value Definition
The above values are displayed in order of how much information is logged. Whichever value is set, information for this level and above is logged. For example setting the value to DEBUG means that information from debug messages to fatal messages is logged. For a value of WARN, means that warning information to fatal information is logged.
Note: After changing the value for this property and clicking Submit to save the file, you should restart the BigFix® Remote Control Server service.
logger.rolling.appenderRef =
Modifiable Field logger.rolling.appenderRef
Field Description The name of the Appenders to invoke
Possible Values User defined, for example - Rolling
Value Definition

logger.rolling.appenderRef.Rolling.ref =
Modifiable Field logger.rolling.appenderRef.Rolling.ref
Field Description The name of the Appenders type to invoke
Possible Values User defined, for example - LOGFILE
Value Definition