Security Features for the Unattended Targets

The following table shows a summary of the security features that are available when operating on Unattended Targets in different usage scenarios.

Prerequisite: Security features require Server, Controller, and Broker to be at version or higher.

Security Feature Start Session from Server Target List from Server Target List form Portal
Controller Instance ID Yes Yes Yes
Controller UUID N/A Configurable Configurable
Two Factor Authentication via Mail N/A N/A Configurable


  • Yes means the security feature is available and always effective.
  • N/A means the security feature is not available in the indicated usage scenario.
  • Configurable means the feature is not activated by default.
    • When Operating on Unattended Target List via the Lite Web Portal (with liteweb.portal.unattended.enable set to true) at least one Configurable security feature must be defined. If none is selected the Server will enforce the Controller UUID verification.