AWSCDW - Clustering messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be issued when using the Windows clustering facility.

The message component code is CDW.


The cluster service is installed and configured on the node "node_name", but is not currently running.

See message.

node_name identifies the node where the cluster service is installed and configured but not running.

The program cannot proceed.

Start the cluster service and retry the installation of the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The cluster service is not installed on the node.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Install and configure the cluster service on the node, start the cluster service, and retry the installation of the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The cluster service is installed on the node but has not yet been configured.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Configure the cluster service on the node, start the cluster service, and retry the installation of the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


An internal error has occurred. The program cannot read the cluster information.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at


An error has occurred opening the cluster "cluster_name".

See message.

cluster_name identifies the cluster that has been opened.

The program cannot proceed.

Check that the correct name has been used for the cluster. If not, retry the operation using the correct name. If the correct name has been used, this is an internal error.

If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at


The program cannot identify the available nodes on the cluster.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Try to reinstall the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource again. You can optionally choose to specifically identify the hosts using the hosts parameter.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot install the remote service "service_name" on node : "node_name".

See message.

service_name identifies the service which cannot be installed.

node_name identifies the node on which you are trying to install it.

The program cannot proceed.

Do the following:
  1. Check that the user and password you are using are correct
  2. Check the network connection
  3. Check if Service Manager is running on the remote host and close it if it is.
Correct any errors and retry the remote installation.
Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot save the registry key on the node "node_name".

See message. The probable reason is that the network connection has broken before the registry could be updated.

node_name identifies the node on which the installation cannot save the registry key.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the network connection. When you are sure that the network connection is working correctly, rerun the installation.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot copy the file "file_name" to "dest_name".

See message.

file_name is the file that the installation needs to copy.

dest_name is the destination name for the copy that the program wants to use but cannot.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the following:
  • That the file exists
  • That the user running the program has read permission for the file
  • That the destination path exists
  • That the user running the program has write permission in the destination directory
  • That there is sufficient space in the destination directory fileset
Correct any error that you find and retry the operation.
Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot register the cluster dll, and so cannot install the HCL Workload Automation resource.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Check in the log for the system error to understand why the dll could not be registered. Use the cluster documentation and operating system documentation to resolve the problem. Then rerun the installation, or use the option to add the dll manually.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot open the cluster object "object_name".

See message.

object_name identifies the object that cannot be opened. Probably an incorrect object name has been used.

The program cannot proceed.

Retry the installation, specifying valid values for the group, ip , and net parameters.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot add the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource to the group.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Check in the log for the system error to understand why the cluster resource could not be added to the group. Use the cluster documentation and operating system documentation to resolve the problem. Retry the installation, or use the option to add the resource manually.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


An internal error has occurred. The program cannot convert a string to or from UNICODE characters.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at


An internal error has occurred. The program cannot locate the Windows common directory.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at


The program cannot obtain the <TWSHome> directory from the HCL Workload Automation Windows services. Check that the values for the domain and user parameters are valid.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Check that the values for the domain and user parameters are valid.

Check that the HCL Workload Automation services are installed correctly by checking the Windows Services Manager utility. The following services must be present:
  • HCL Workload Automation (for TWSuser)
  • HCL Netman (for TWSuser)
  • HCL Token Service (for TWSuser)
  • WebSphere Application Server
If any are missing, HCL Workload Automation must be uninstalled and reinstalled. The cluster installation can then be repeated.

If no services are missing, this is an internal error.

If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot add the "key_name" key into the localopts file. Add the key manually.

See message.

key_name identifies the key object that cannot be added/changed.

The program proceeds.

Add the clusterinstancename option to the localopts file on the computer before attempting to use the cluster service. The value of the option must be set to the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource instance name.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot modify the local security policy on the target host.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Perform the following manually before attempting to use the cluster service:
  1. Manually add the following user privileges to the local security policy for the <TWSUser> in all target hosts:
    • Act as part of the operating system
    • Increase quotas
    • Log on as batch job
    • Log on as a service
    • Log on locally
    • Replace a process level token
  2. Add the <TWSUser> to the local administrator group on all target hosts.
Note: only modify the local security policy and the local administrator group. The domain equivalents must be left unchanged.
Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot remove the HCL Workload Automation cluster service on the node "host_name".

See message text.

host_name identifies the node from which the cluster services cannot be removed.

The program proceeds.

The HCL Workload Automation cluster service must be removed manually.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot remove the HCL Workload Automation registry key on the node "host_name".

See message text.

host_name identifies the node from which the registry key cannot be removed.

The program proceeds.

The HCL Workload Automation registry key must be removed manually.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot check whether the custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource type is already installed.

See message text.

The program proceeds.

Check whether the custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource type is already installed. Attempt to determine why the program could not check for its existence. Check that the user performing the cluster installation has permission to read the registry on the remote node. Correct any errors you find and rerun the command.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot determine the Windows boot disk from the remote registry on the node "host_name".

See message text.

host_name identifies the remote node where the Windows boot disk cannot be determined.

The program stops.

Check the network connections. Check that the user performing the cluster installation has permission to read the registry on the remote node. Correct any errors you find and rerun the command.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot determine the version of the custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource type dll.

See message text.

The program stops.

Check the network connections. Check that the user performing the cluster installation has permission to access the custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource type dll on the remote node. Check that the path to the dll indicated in the registry is correct. Correct any errors you find and rerun the command.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot determine the path to the custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource type dll.

See message text.

The program stops.

Check the network connections. Check that the user performing the cluster installation has permission to access the custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource type dll on the remote node. Correct any errors you find and rerun the command.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot update the custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource type dll.

See message text.

The program stops.

Update the dll using the Microsoft cluster command line.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot delete the temporary file "dll_temp_file_name".

See message text.

dll_temp_file_name identifies the temporary file used in the remote cluster installation, that could not be deleted.

The program continues.

Check whether the file exists. If it does, delete it.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource type dll to be installed is older than the dll currently installed. Press ESC to exit from the installation or any key to continue.Note: during the upgrade the custom HCL Workload Automation cluster resource might be restarted.

The program has compared the versions of the installed dll with the one to be installed, and has determined that the installed dll is newer. You are offered the choice to continue or exit from the installation. If you continue, the installation of an older dll might compromise the functioning of other programs on the computer that use the dll.

The program waits for your response.

Press ESC to exit from the installation or any key to continue.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The program cannot create the script to start or stop the HCL Workload Automation custom cluster resource instance.

See message text.

The program continues but the script is not created.

Check that there is sufficient space in the <TWSHome> directory to create a file. Check that the user has the rights to create a file in that directory.

After the installation has finished, create the file manually following the instructions in the readme.

Readme for the fix in which the clustering option was made available.


The command-line parameter "parameter" is not correct.

You have supplied an unrecognizable command-line parameter.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the syntax of the command by issuing it with just the -u parameter, or by looking in the documentation. Retry the command with the correct syntax.


The context of the supplied command line string "command_line"indicates that a pair of quotation symbols (') is required. However, the first of the pair is missing.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the syntax of the command by issuing it with just the -u parameter, or by looking in the documentation. Retry the command with the correct syntax.


The context of the supplied command line string "command_line" indicates that a pair of quotation symbols (') is required. However, the last of the pair is missing.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the syntax of the command by issuing it with just the -u parameter, or by looking in the documentation. Retry the command with the correct syntax.


The command-line parameter "parameter" is mandatory.

You have issued a command omitting the indicated mandatory parameter.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the syntax of the command by issuing it with just the -u parameter, or by looking in the documentation. Retry the command with the correct syntax.


The command-line parameter "parameter" has been supplied with a value "parameter_value" that is outside the permitted range "range_value".

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the syntax of the command by issuing it with just the -u parameter, or by looking in the documentation. Retry the command with the correct syntax.


The password cannot be validated. Either you have specified an incorrect password or the program cannot validate it (probably because it does not have the correct permission to do so).

The supplied password is either incorrect, or cannot be validated. It is not critical to the installation process, but is used by the process being installed. The installation program might not have the correct permissions to validate the password, in which case you can ignore this warning and continue the installation.

The program waits for you decide what to do.

Check that the password is correctly specified according to the rules of the computer where it is to be used.If the password is not correct, press ESC to exit from the installation and specify a new password.If you are certain that the password is correct, press any key to continue. Note that if you continue with an incorrect password, the service will be installed on all nodes on the cluster with that incorrect password, and you will have to change it on all of those nodes before the service can be made operational.


You cannot install HCL Workload Automation in this cluster environment. The only supported environment is the Microsoft Cluster service on Windows Server 2003.

You have tried to install HCL Workload Automation on a cluster environment that is not supported.

The installer stops.

Check the cluster environment where you want to install HCL Workload Automation. You might be able to upgrade it to the supported environment.


The user "user_ID" was not found. Press ESC to exit from the installation or any key to continue.

The program is unable to find a user with the name specified.

The program waits for you decide what to do.

Verify that the user exists and that the Windows Domain Controller is reachable. If the problem can be resolved without stopping the installation, just press any key to continue. Otherwise, when you have corrected the error, retry the operation.


The operation cannot be completed because a HCL Workload Automation cluster resource called "cluster_resource_name" already exists, and also points to this HCL Workload Automation agent.

You have tried to define a new cluster resource that points to the same HCL Workload Automation agent of an existing cluster resource.

cluster_resource_name identifies the name of the existing cluster resource that already points to this agent.

The installer stops.

Check the parameters of the command to ensure that you have not made an error with the resource name. Check whether the existing cluster resource is correctly named. Resolve the duplication and retry the command.


A cluster resource with the name "cluster_resource_name" already exists. Choose a different resource name.

See message text.

cluster_resource_name identifies the name used to create the new HCL Workload Automation cluster resource.

The installer stops.

Choose a different resource name and retry the command.


The operation to rename the cluster resource "current_cluster_resource_name" in "new_cluster_resource_name" has failed.

See message text.

current_cluster_resource_name identifies the name of the existing HCL Workload Automation cluster resource to rename.

new_cluster_resource_name identifies the selected new name of the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource.

The installer stops.

Check the system error message that follows to understand why the cluster resource could not be renamed. Use the cluster documentation and operating system documentation to resolve the problem. Retry the operation.


The program cannot obtain the HCL Workload Automation home directory from the "cluster_resource_name" cluster resource.

See message text.

cluster_resource_name identifies the name of the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource.

The installer stops.

Check the system error message that follows to understand why the program cannot determine the home directory property. Use the cluster documentation and operating system documentation to resolve the problem. Retry the operation.


You have not specified the parameter collect or deploy options.

See message text.

The twsClusterCollector script cannot proceed.

Run the script again, providing the correct options.


You did not provide data archive name.

See message text.

The twsClusterCollector script cannot proceed.

Run the script again, specifing the archive name.


There was an error in generating data archive.

See message text.

The twsClusterCollector script cannot proceed.

Check the path name, archive name, and available disk space, then run the script again.


Error deploying the data archive.

See message text.

The twsClusterCollector script cannot proceed.

Check the path name, archive name, and available disk space, then run the script again.


You have specified a data archive name that does not exist.

See message text.

The twsClusterCollector script cannot proceed.

Check the archive name, then run the script again.


You have specified an incorrect parameter: "param_name"

See message text.

The twsClusterCollector script cannot proceed.

Run the script again, providing the correct parameter.


The agent cannot be installed because the combination of parameters specified is not supported.

See message text.

The installer ends.

Verify the syntax of the command in the HCL Workload Automation: High Availability Cluster Environment manual and then correct the error, and retry the operation.


No agent is available for installation.

See message text.

The installer ends.

Verify that the fta and/or dynamic agent are available for installation.


Unable to install the dynamic agent: the agent was not found.

You have tried to install the dynamic agent but the agent is not available for installation.

The installer ends.

Verify that the dynamic agent is available for installation.