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VoltScript in Volt MX Go


LotusScript in HCL Notes and Domino is a server-side (Domino) and client-side (Notes) language. VoltScript is only a server-side language running in Foundry.

Integration services

HCL Volt MX Foundry uses integration services for connecting to remote services or running custom code via technology or business adapters. In HCL Volt MX, the technology adapters for running custom code are:

  • Volt MX Mock Data Adapter for generating mock data.
  • Java Adapter for running custom Java code from an uploaded JAR file. Operations run a Java class implementing the JavaService2 interface.
  • JavaScript Adapter for running functions in a custom JavaScript code from an uploaded JavaScript file. There are certain limitations.

In Volt MX Go, VoltScript is added as an additional custom code language.

Technology Adapters

Preprocessors and postprocessors

Integration services also permit custom code invocation before (preprocessor) and/or after the main integration service. In Volt MX there are three options:

  • Java for running custom Java code from an uploaded JAR file. Preprocessors run a Java class implementing the DataPreProcessor interface. Postprocessors run a Java class implementing the DataPostProcessor interface.
  • JavaScript for running custom JavaScript code entered into the Monaco editor.
  • Rules for running custom logic using MVFLEX Expression Language (MVEL).

In Volt MX Go, VoltScript is added as an additional custom code language for preprocessors and postprocessors. However, only small snippets of code are expected, for example to validate input parameters or manipulate the output. As a result, VoltScript code is entered directly into the Monaco editor, and merged into boilerplate VoltScript.



Note the final two lines, both Return True and End Function are automatically appended.


VoltScript pre/postprocessors are not available for VoltScript integration services. This is a limitation for performance reasons, see below.

How Foundry runs preprocessors and postprocessors

The sequence flow for running preprocessors and postprocessors is:

  actor user as User
  participant op as Foundry Operation
  participant pre as Preprocessor
  participant post as Postprocessor
  user->>op: Call Foundry REST service
  opt Preprocessor enabled
  op->>pre: Call preprocessor
  activate pre
  pre->>op: Return true (continue) or false (abort)
  deactivate pre
  alt Abort
  op->>user: Return result
  else Continue
  op->>op: Run main integration service
  opt Postprocessor enabled
  op->>post: Call postprocessor
  post->>op: Return result
  op->>user: Return result

For more information, see Workflow of Integration Services.

How Foundry runs VoltScript

Integration with the VoltScript runtime is via the multi-threaded HTTP server, the equivalent of VoltScript --httpserver.

  actor user as User
  participant foundry as Foundry Java
  participant servlet as VoltScript Servlet
  participant v as VoltScript
  user->>foundry: Call Foundry REST service
  rect rgb(222,222,222)
  foundry->>foundry: Serialize context info
  foundry->>servlet: Post request
  servlet->>v: Run VoltScript code
  v->>v: Deserialize context info
  v->>v: Run custom code
  v->>servlet: Print JSON response
  servlet->>foundry: Send JSON response
  foundry->>foundry: Deserialize response
  foundry->>user: Send JSON response


Obviously, for a VoltScript integration service, it's inefficient to call repeat the process in the shaded area multiple times for a VoltScript preprocessor and/or postprocessor. The best practice is to include any preprocessing or postprocessing of content within the main VoltScript integration service code.