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Write and package Integration Service code

A VoltScript integration service is uploaded to Foundry as a zip file containing source, libs, and vses directories as well as seti.ini and atlas.json. Uploading both Windows and Linux versions of VSEs ensures the code can be run on whatever platform Foundry is installed. Each operation corresponds to a main script in the source directory in your VoltScript package.

VoltScript to Operations


Currently main scripts must be placed in a directory called src, which is also the default for sourceDir in the atlas.json.

  1. Create the file atlas.json.
  2. Type all or part of "foundry-atlas" and select the snippet.
  3. Complete required fields and add any additional dependencies. name and version will be used to generate the zip file.
  4. Run dependency management using VoltScript: Install Dependencies VS Code command.
  5. Create a main script in src directory.
  6. Type all or part of "foundry" and select the snippet. Enter your custom code in the block marked.
  7. Add other main scripts as required.
  8. Run Foundry build management using VoltScript: Package for Foundry VS Code command.

The resulting zip can be uploaded to Foundry.

Interacting with Foundry context

The Foundry contextual data is automatically parsed in the extractObjects() call. Content you may need will be:

Object Description
PROJECT_DIR Directory of this project on disk. Use this instead of CurDir when code should parse files uploaded with the project, because CurDir will be the directory of the VoltScript executable.
VoltMxRequest.getInputParam() Access a request parameter mapped in Request Input body parameters.
VoltMxRequest.getRequestParam() Access a request parameter not mapped in Request Input body parameters.
VoltMxRequest.getHeaderParam() Access a header parameter
VoltMxRequest.getIdentityParam() Access the JWT token from the identity service associated with this integration service. For talking to Domino via KeepVSE, this is automatically passed to the KeepServer object. For other backends, you need to parse the JWT token manually to retrieve whatever information you need to access the backend as the current logged on user.
VoltMxResult.opstatus Integer property holding the opstatus to pass back from Foundry, defaulting to 0.
VoltMxResult.httpStatusCode Integer property holding the http status code to pass back from Foundry, defaulting to 200.
VoltMxResult.result JsonObject property for the response from Foundry.
VoltMxResult.addDebugMessage() Adds a message to debug out from Java to the Foundry application logs, in the same way debug messages can be logged from Java or JavaScript integration services. Java logging level will need amending to output the logs.
VoltMxResult.setErrorMessage() Sets an error message to be picked up by Foundry, generating an exception for the operation.

For more details, see documentation of Volt MX Objects

Write testable code

Writing custom code in the main script is sufficient for running in Foundry. However, it makes the script harder to test. Recommended practice is to write your custom code in a function in a VoltScript Library Module, then call that from the main script. This allows you to write unit tests to check all potential scenarios for your REST service operation.