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atlas.json and atlas-settings.json schemas

The VS Code extension will validate both the atlas.json and atlas-settings.json for you. There are snippets available for populating a commented sample of all valid options, which can be retrieved by typing "atlas" or "atlas-settings".

atlas snippets


Sample structure


Required properties are highlighted.


Detailed description

Property Required Description
name name of your project
displayName user-friendly name for the project
description verbose description of what your project does
authors an array of names of developers for the project
license license under which you wish the project to be available
publisher owner of the project, typically your company name
repo where the course code can be accessed
library group name for the project

If stored on GitHub, this would be the repository name.
version current version for the project

Semver format is recommended.
sourceDir directory where main runnable VoltScript files will be stored

If you wish to place such files in the root of the project, use an empty string ("").
testDir directory where unit and integration test runnable VoltScript files will be stored

This can be omitted if tests are being put in the root.
libsDir directory where VoltScript Libraries (.vss files) will be stored

This can be omitted if they will be put in the root.
vsesDir directory where VoltScript Extensions will be stored

This can be omitted if they will be put in the root.
mainScripts An array of files that are main runnable scripts.
unitTestScript An array of files that are unit test runnable scripts.
integrationTestScripts An array of files that are integration test runnable scripts.
repositories an array of repository objects, each containing the following properties:

- id: Use to cross-reference with the atlas-settings.json.

- type: Currently, only "github", "webserver", and "marketplace" are supported.

- url: base URL for API calls to the repository.
See below for more details how this is used.
dependencies an array of dependency objects mapping to VoltScript files to use. The dependency contains three properties:

- library: The group under which the .vss files and their own atlas.json are grouped.

- version: an explicit version number mapping to a release, or "latest" to also retrieve the most recent

- module: the specific file to be incorporated

- repository: an optional property mapping to a repository ID
If used, Archipelago will look in that repository first.
testDependencies an array of dependency objects mapping to VoltScript files only for use in unit and integration tests. The dependency structure if the same as for dependencies
vseDependencies an object of extension dependency objects mapping to extensions to use. The extension dependency is a JSON object whose label is the name you intend to use in the UseVSE statement, and which has the following properties:

- library: the group under which the VoltScript Extension(s) are grouped. For Volt MX Marketplace, this is the first five digits from the download URL. For example, if the URL is "", the library is "25265".
- version: a human-readable version number mapping to a release. "latest" is not relevant for Volt MX Marketplace.

- module: the specific extension to be incorporated. For Volt MX Marketplace, this will be the subsequent two sets of five digits from the download URL. For example, if the URL is "", the module is "25264/19371". NOTE: This will change with every release.


If you have the VoltScript Build Manager extension installed, validation in Visual Studio Code ensures your atlas.json is valid. Typing "atlas" allows you to pull in a snippet providing all possible options and comments.


Sample structure


Within each repository JSON object, all properties are required.

Detailed description

The label for each settings JSON object should be the id used for that repository in the atlas.json. The schema for each settings object is:

Property Required Description
type either "github", "webserver", or "marketplace
token only accepted where type is "github"

This is the GitHub Personal Access Token.
credentials only accepted where 'type' is "webserver"

a Base64-encoded string of the username + ":" + password
username only accepted where 'type' is "marketplace"

The username to log into Volt MX Marketplace
password only accepted where 'type' is "marketplace"

The password to log into Volt MX Marketplace
authUrl only accepted where 'type' is "marketplace"

The login URL for Volt MX Marketplace,

A sample atlas-settings file would be:

    "hcl-github": {
        "type": "github",
        "token": "${env.TOKEN}"
    "my-web-server": {
        "type": "webserver",
        "credentials": "${env.CRED}"
    "volt-mx-marketplace": {
        "type": "marketplace",
        "username": "${env.USERNAME}",
        "password": "${env.PASSWORD}",
        "authUrl": "",


The atlas-settings.json is a JSON object of settings for repositories in an atlas.json. As a result, you won't get content assist at the top level. You'll only receive content assist for each settings JSON object. Typing "atlas-settings" enables you to pull in a snippet providing all possible options and comments.

See Using VoltScript Build Manager for more details.