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JSON Parsing


This how-to assumes you are familiar with setting up a project either manually or via VoltScript Dependency Management. If you are not, follow the Intro to VoltScript Tutorials.


JsonVSE provides functionality to convert strings or files of JSON into JSON objects, which can then be parsed. VoltScript JSON Converter uses JsonVSE to convert to and from VoltScript objects. In some cases, parsing the JSON objects may be preferable.

VoltScript dependencies

Incorporating JsonVSE is straightforward. You just need to add the following JSON object to the vsesDependencies element in your atlas.json.

        "JsonVSE": {
            "library": "25265",
            "version": "1.0.1",
            "module": "25877/20841",

You'll need to add to your repositories object in the atlas.json of your project:

            "id": "volt-mx-marketplace",
            "type": "marketplace",
            "url": ""

To use the extension in your script, enter UseVSE "*JsonVSE".

JsonParser class

The JsonParser class is used to generate a JSON object from a string or file content.

Parse JSON strings

Parsing JSON strings is done using loadFromJson():

Function parseJsonString(json as String) as JsonObject

    Dim parser as New JsonParser()
    Call parser.loadFromJson(json)
    Return parser.getRootObject

End Function

If a string is passed that is not valid JSON, an error will be returned, error 400. The error message will be "Must supply a valid JSON string" followed by the invalid JSON.

Parse JSON files

Parsing JSON files is done with loadFromFile(), passing the path.

Function parseJsonFile(fileName as String) as JsonObject

    Dim parser as New JsonParser()
    Call parser.loadFromFile(CurDir & "/" & fileName)
    Return parser.getRootObject

End Function

If the file isn't found at the location specified, an error will be returned, error 404. The error message will be "File could not be opened" plus the path that was tried.

If the file does not contain valid JSON, an error will be returned, error 400. The error message will be "JSON text is not valid".

Parse JSON objects

The JsonObject class is used to hold scalar values, arrays, or other JSON objects, which may contain scalar values, arrays or other JSON objects.

Capture types

Verifying the type of a JSON object is used with boolean "is..." functions or JsonType property, which returns a lower-case string. So the following code can output type and a number corresponding to type.

Function checkJsonType(jsonObj as JsonObject, label as String) as String
    Dim child as jsonObject
    Dim resp as String
    Dim count as Integer

    Set child = jsonObj.getChild(label)
    resp = child.JsonType & " "
    If child.isNumber() Then count += 1
    If child.isObject() Then count += 2
    If child.isScalar() Then count += 4
    If child.isString() Then count += 8
    If child.isArray() Then count += 16
    If child.isBoolean() Then count += 32
    Return resp & count

End Function


.getChild() will throw an error code 404, "Child JSON not found" if there is no child matching the passed label.

Verify existence

Unless dealing with static JSON, it's always advisable to verify elements can be found before trying to parse them. At a single level, this can be done with isChild(). At lower levels, this can be done with isDescendant(). findObjectByPath() can return the actual object and returns Nothing if no object can be found at the path.

    Call testSuite2.describe("Check address is child").assertTrue(jsonObj.isChild("address"))
    Dim path(1) as String
    path(0) = "address"
    path(1) = "add1"
    Call testSuite2.describe("Check address/add1 can be found").assertTrue(jsonObj.isDescendant(path))
    path(1) = "add3"
    Call testSuite2.describe("Check address/add3 can't be found").assertFalse(jsonObj.isDescendant(path))
    Dim actualObj as JsonObject
    Call testSuite2.describe("Find address/add2").assertTrue(actualObj Is Nothing)
    Set actualObj = jsonObj.findObjectByPath(path)
    Call testSuite2.describe("Find address/add2").assertTrue(Not actualObj Is Nothing)

Return values

For JSON objects that are scalars, the value can be returned using scalarValue property.

getChildren() is preferred to process arrays, as a consistent approach that will work for scalar and object arrays. Each element will be a JsonObject, so scalarValue will be required to get the value. Alternatively, if you are certain they are scalars, valueArray property will return a Variant array.

Troubleshoot values

For any JsonObject toString() can be used to return the full JSON object as a string, pretty-printed if the argument passed is True, as compact JSON if False. Alternatively, for swift debugging purposes, the shortValue property will return a maximum 16 characters.


VoltScript Testing can be used to validate the JSON object before processing. If you set suppressReport = True on the TestSuite, you can check ranSuccessfully() to verify if the JSON object was successfully validated or not.

The complete implementations of the code snippets are available on GitHub.