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Encode and hash content


This how-to assumes you are familiar with setting up a project either manually or via VoltScript Dependency Management. If you are not, follow the Intro to VoltScript Tutorials.


Because VoltScript is running as middleware, the need to convert to and from various hashing algorithms is probable. HashVSE is designed to enable this using the HashUtilities class.

VoltScript dependencies

Incorporating HashVSE is straightforward. You just need to add the following JSON object to the vsesDependencies element in your atlas.json.

        "HashVSE": {
            "library": "25278",
            "version": "1.0.1",
            "module": "25882/20850",

You'll need to add to your repositories object in the atlas.json of your project:

            "id": "volt-mx-marketplace",
            "type": "marketplace",
            "url": ""

To use the extension in your script, enter UseVSE "*HashVSE".

Input and output formats

All the APIs can receive input and output content as VoltScript strings or Byte Arrays. Because there is no data type specifically for Byte Arrays, the VoltScript data type is Variant, containing an array of Byte data types.

Converting a String to a Byte array

The following code can be used to convert a string to a byte array:

Function convertStringToBytes(passedStr as String) as Variant
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.stringToBytes(passedStr)
End Function

Converting a Byte array to a String

Converting a byte array to a string is a little more complex. We need to know whether to expect hexadecimals when converting the byte array. This is the second argument passed to the function:

Function convertStringToBytes(passedStr as String) as Variant
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.stringToBytes(passedStr)
End Function


Some content may be received or need to be posted as Base64. Base64 encoding can be used to convert form data or JSON to a shorter string with restricted URL-safe character set. There are APIs in WebVSE to encode and decode Base64 HTTP data. But HashVSE also provides APIs for Base64 operations.

Encoding to Base64

The following code can be used to convert a string to a Base64 encoded string:

Function base64Encode(passedStr as String) as String
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.base64Encode(passedStr)
End Function

Decoding from Base64

The following code can be used to convert a Base64 encoded string to a string:

Function base64Decode(base64Str as String) as String
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.base64Decode(base64Str)
End Function

Encoding a Byte array to Base64

To encode a byte array, we first need to convert the string to bytes, which we have already covered. Once we have that, converting to a Base64-encoded string is straightforward:

Function base64ByteEncode(tempVal as Variant) as String
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.base64EncodeB(tempVal)
End Function

Decoding from Base64 to a Byte array

The following code can be used to convert a Base64 encoded string to a byte array:

Function base64ByteDecode(base64Str as String) as Variant
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.base64DecodeB(base64Str)
End Function

In our round-tripping example, the starting string was not hexified when converted to Base64, so to convert it back to a string, we can use the function we have already covered.

SHA hashes

Converting strings to SHA hashes

Converting a string to a SHA-hashed string just requires calling the function for the relevant SHA variant:

Sub convertSHA(inputStr as String, output1 as String, output256 as String,_
    output512 as String)
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    output1 = hu.SHA1(inputStr)
    output256 = hu.SHA256(inputStr)
    output512 = hu.SHA512(inputStr)
End Sub

Converting byte arrays to SHA hashes

If you have byte arrays instead of strings, there are functions for converting those too:

Sub convertSHABytes(inputStr as Variant, output1 as Variant, output256 as Variant,_
    output512 as Variant)
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    output1 = hu.SHA1B(inputStr)
    output256 = hu.SHA256B(inputStr)
    output512 = hu.SHA512B(inputStr)
End Sub

Bear in mind that SHA functions generate hexadecimal bytes, so to convert them to a string, you will need to pass True as the second argument, for example hu.bytesToString(output1B, True).

MD5 Hashes

When manually downloading files, it's common to compare the MD5 hash of the file to an expected value. HashUtilities provides the ability to generate MD5 hashes of strings, byte arrays or files.

MD5 hash of string

The following code can be used to generate an MD5 hash of a string:

Function convertMD5(inputStr as String) as String
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.MD5(inputStr)
End Function

MD5 hash of byte array

The following code can be used to generate an MD5 hash of a byte array:

Function convertMD5Bytes(inputBytes as Variant) as Variant
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.MD5B(inputBytes)
End Function

Bear in mind that MD5 hashing generates hexadecimal bytes, so to convert the byte array to a string, you will need to pass True as the second argument, for example hu.bytesToString(returnVal, True).

MD5 hashes of files

The following code can be used to generate an MD5 hash from a file, by passing the filepath:

Function convertFileMD5() as String
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.FileMD5(CurDir & "/samples/lorem.txt")
End Function

A similar function can be used to return a byte array:

Function convertFileMD5Bytes() as Variant
    Dim hu as New HashUtilities()
    Return hu.FileMD5B(CurDir & "/samples/lorem.txt")
End Function

The complete implementations of the code snippets are available on GitHub.