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Find files and managing directories


This how-to assumes you are familiar with setting up a project either manually or via VoltScript Dependency Management. If you are not, follow the Intro to VoltScript Tutorials.


There have always been low-level APIs for interacting with the filesystem - Dir, MkDir, RMDir, Open Kill etc. Proper use and error management of these APIs requires careful reading of the APIs and knowledge gleaned over many years. The OSUtils VoltScript Extension is designed to lower the entry level for interacting with the filesystem and minimize the amount of code that needs to bootstrap the specific actions to be performed.

VoltScript dependencies

Incorporating OSUtilsVSE is straightforward. You just need to add the following JSON object to the vsesDependencies element in your atlas.json.

        "OSUtilsVSE": {
            "library": "25282",
            "version": "1.0.1",
            "module": "25886/20852",

You'll need to add to your repositories object in the atlas.json of your project:

            "id": "volt-mx-marketplace",
            "type": "marketplace",
            "url": ""

To use the extension in your script, enter UseVSE "*OSUtilsVSE".

Directory and file operations

Identify directory


The unwary developer may assume CurDir() function returns the directory containing the script currently being edited, but this is a misconception. The VoltScript CurDir() functions works the same way it does in LotusScript, returning the current directory where the program is being run. Typically this will be the project directory.

OSUtils.isDirectory() provides an API to just return a boolean for whether there is a directory at the path passed, without the need for any error handling.

Function checkIsDir(filePath as String)
    Dim OSUtils as New OSUtils()
    Return OSUtils.isDirectory(filePath)
End Function

Build paths

You can build the path manually. If so, a forward-slash is recommended as the separator. This is now accepted by Windows operating systems and is standard for UNIX operating systems.

However, PathUtils provides a helper class for building paths without worrying about the separator, as is common for many other languages. toString() can be used to return the string, for directory operations.

Function buildFooBarPath() as String
    Dim OSUtils as New OSUtils()
    Dim pathUtils as New PathUtils()

    Call pathUtils.addToPath(OSUtils.tempDir)
    Call pathUtils.addToPath("foo")
    Call pathUtils.addToPath("bar")
    Return pathUtils.toString
End Function

At this point, you are only building an object that has a potential directory structure. No checks against or modification of the operating system are performed.

We know "foo" doesn't exist, so the full path can't possibly exist. But checking OSUtils.isDirectory() against this path will just return false, as expected, it won't throw an error. There is no need to perform a check with isDirectory() against each level of the directory hierarchy.

3.3 Identify file

The corresponding API for checking whether a file exists at a given path is, not surprisingly, isFile().

Function checkIsFile(fileName as String) as Boolean
    Dim OSUtils as New OSUtils()
    Return OSUtils.isFile(fileName)
End Function

PathUtils can be used to build a path to a file as well as to a directory.

Function buildFooTestFilePath() as String
    Dim OSUtils as New OSUtils()
    Dim pathUtils as New PathUtils()

    Call pathUtils.addToPath(OSUtils.tempDir)
    Call pathUtils.addToPath("foo")
    Call pathUtils.addToPath("test.txt")
    Return pathUtils.toString
End Function

Retrieve files in a directory

Rather than making an API call to get the next file in a directory, OSUtils has an API to return a string array of all files in a directory.

Function getFiles(filePath as String) as Variant
    Dim OSUtils as New OSUtils()
    Return OSUtils.getFilesInDir(filePath)
End Function

Create and removing directories

Create directories

Creating directories is done using makeDirectories(). This assumes that, if you want to create the directory, you want to create all parent directories on the path.

Function makeDirectories(filePath as String) as Boolean
    Dim OSUtils as New OSUtils()
    Return osUtils.makeDirectories(filePath)
End Function

If the directory already exists, makeDirectories won't throw an error but still return true.

Remove directories

Removing directories, however, allows the developer to decide whether or not to force deletion of any files and subdirectories in the directory. This is the boolean parameter passed as the second argument.

Function removeDirectories(filePath as String) as Boolean
    Dim OSUtils as New OSUtils()
    Return OSUtils.removeDir(filePath, true)
End Function

The complete implementations of the code snippets are available on GitHub.