Quick reference for TSO Client

This topic provides a synopsis of the functionality of TSO Client commands and panels.

This quick reference provides only a brief outline of how to access TSO Client functions. It is intended as a quick reminder for navigating through the TSO Client options. It does not include prerequisite tasks or complete instructions for completing a task. For a more detailed description of each command or panel, click the link in the For more information column. The functions are grouped into the following sections:

Set up your environment, views, streams, and UCM activities

Table 1. Set up your environment, views, streams, and UCM activities
To do this task Use this panel Menu Options and Commands For more information
Select a profile Profile Selection Main Menu Option 0 Selecting a profile
Select a user specification Distributed user specification Main Menu Option 1 Selecting a user specification
Select a view View Filter Specification Main Menu Option 2 Choosing views on the distributed system
Create a stream Create Stream specification
  1. Main Menu Option 2
  2. View and Stream Option 3
Create a stream
Create a view Create View specification
  1. Main Menu Option 2
  2. View and Stream Option 2
Create a view
Synchronize a view with a stream Synchronize View specification
  1. Main Menu Option 2
  2. View and Stream Option 4
Synchronize a view with a stream
Create or select an activity Select/Create an Activity Main Menu Option 3 Creating or selecting UCM activities
Upload files to a copy area on z/OS® (during initial setup) Dataset Action Main Menu Option 4 Uploading files to a copy area on z/OS
Open the log file Any TSO Client panel Type VIEWLOG or VL on the Option line Opening the TSO Client log file
Log management TSO Client Log Management panel Main Menu Option 6 Logging
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Work with files

Table 2. Work with files
To do this task Use this panel Menu Options and Commands For more information
Compress a partitioned data set Dataset Action
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type z beside a data set name and press Enter
Compressing partitioned data sets
Add files to source control View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type a beside a view-private file and press Enter
Adding files to source control
Upload files to the remote system View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type u beside a file and press Enter
Uploading files
Copy a file View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type cp beside a file and press Enter
Copying a file
Edit a file View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type e beside a file and press Enter
Editing a file
Delete a PDS member View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type dl beside a file and press Enter
Deleting PDS members
Add attributes to a file Add Attributes to File
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type aat beside a file and press Enter
  4. Complete the fields on the Add Attributes to File panel
Adding attributes to files
Filter files on the View Files List panel by name View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Specify a filter string in the File name filter field
Filtering file names
Filter files on the View Files List panel by state View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter.
  3. Select any file states to filter files by typing "/" before the state fields "check in", "check out", or "view private".
Filtering file states
Refresh the View Files List panel View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type REFRESH or REF on the Option line
Refreshing the View Files List panel
Locate items in a list Any panel that displays a table, such as View Files List, Select profile, or Select a View Type LOCATE or LOC on the Option line Locating files in a file list
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Checkin, checkout, and merge changes

Table 3. Checkin, checkout, and merge changes
To do this task Use this panel Menu Options and Commands For more information
Check out files - reserved View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type co beside a file and press Enter
Checking out files - reserved
Check out files - unreserved View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type cou beside a file and press Enter
Checking out files - unreserved
Hijack a file View Files List
  1. Edit a file
  2. Copy the edited file
  3. Check out and overwrite the file
  4. Merge changes
  5. Check in merged file
Hijacking a file
Merge changes External tool, such as ISPF COMPARE Use the process appropriate to the external tool Merging changes
Check in files View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type ci beside a file and press Enter
Checking in files
Undo a checkout View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type uco beside a file and press Enter
Undoing a checkout
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Work with version trees

Table 4. Work with version trees
To do this task Use this panel Menu Options and Commands For more information
Compare a file with the previous version View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type dp beside a file and press Enter
Working with previous file versions
View the version history (Version Tree) for a file View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type vt beside a file and press Enter
Working with previous file versions
Browse a previous version of a file View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type vt beside a file and press Enter
  4. Type b beside the version you want to browse and press Enter
Working with previous file versions
Copy a previous version of a file View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type vt beside a file and press Enter
  4. Type c beside the version you want to copy, enter a new file name, and press Enter
Working with previous file versions
Compare two file versions View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type vt beside a file and press Enter
  4. Type s beside the two versions you want to compare and press Enter
Working with previous file versions
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Submit builds

Table 5. Submit builds
To do this task Use this panel Menu Options and Commands For more information
Submit a JCL file for build View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type sub beside a JCL file and press Enter
Submitting JCL for a build (local build)
Submit a makefile for build View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type mk beside a makefile and press Enter
Submitting a makefile (remote build)
Submit a makefile for build with a parameter file View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type mkp beside a makefile and press Enter
  4. Type s beside a parameter file and press Enter
Submitting a makefile with a parameter file (remote build)
Build a PDS member Build Main Menu Option 8 Submitting build requests using the Build panel
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Perform impact analysis

Table 6. Perform impact analysis
To do this task Use this panel Menu Options and Commands For more information
Submit a query for recompilation requirements Copybook to find Source Query
  1. Main Menu Option 7
  2. Impact Analysis Menu Option 1
  3. Enter search criteria and press Enter
Submitting a query for recompilation requirements
Submit a query for compilation dependents Source to find Copybook Query
  1. Main Menu Option 7
  2. Impact Analysis Menu Option 2
  3. Enter search criteria and press Enter
Submitting a query for compilation dependents
Submit a query for finding sources Symbol to find Source Query
  1. Main Menu Option 7
  2. Impact Analysis Menu Option 3
  3. Enter search criteria and press Enter
Submitting a query for finding sources
Submit a query for finding symbols Source to find Symbol Query
  1. Main Menu Option 7
  2. Impact Analysis Menu Option 4
  3. Enter search criteria and press Enter
Submitting a query for finding symbols
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Submit parameterized build requests

Table 7. Submit parameterized build requests
To do this task Use this panel Menu Options and Commands For more information
Submit a parameterized build request for query results Result - Copybook to find Source Query
  1. Main Menu Option 7
  2. Impact Analysis Menu Option 1
  3. Enter search criteria and press Enter
  4. Type pbf on the Option line or in the Cmd field beside a query result entry
Submitting a build request for source programs
Build a file using parameterized build View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type pbf beside a file and press Enter
Submitting a compile request from TSO Client
Build a file using parameterized build in batch mode View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 2.2
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type pbb beside a file and press Enter
Submitting a compile request from TSO Client in batch mode
Upload a copy member using parameterized build View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type pbu beside a file and press Enter
Submitting an upload copy member request from TSO Client
Submit a link job using parameterized build View Files List
  1. Main Menu Option 4
  2. Type S beside a data set name and press Enter
  3. Type pbl beside a file and press Enter
Submitting a link job from TSO Client
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Query files

Table 8. Query files
To do this task Use this panel Menu Options and Commands For more information
Query checkouts Query checkout files
  1. Main Menu Option 5 Query
  2. Enter query criteria and press Enter
Query files
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