Submitting a query for compilation dependents

You can query the impact analysis data to determine which dependents (such as copybooks and include files) are used in specified source programs.

Before you begin

The 2 Source to find Copybook Query menu item queries the impact analysis data using the specified source programs and returns a list of dependent files (such as copybooks and include files). To use this menu item you need to specify the impact analysis data's high-level qualifier (HLQ) since the HLQ is used in locating your project's impact analysis data. You can obtain this information from the impact analysis administrator who created and loaded the impact analysis data. For more information on sharing source files for impact analysis, see Sharing source files for impact analysis.


To submit a query for compilation dependents, do these steps:
  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 7 and press Enter.
    The Impact Analysis panel opens.
  2. On the Impact Analysis panel, type the following information and then press Enter.
    • Option field: Type 2.
    • IA HLQ field: Type the high-level qualifier(s) for the impact analysis data to be used for the query. The initial value for this field is IAADMIN.PROJECT.Dyymmdd. You can obtain the correct value for this field from the impact analysis administrator who created and loaded the impact analysis data.
    The Source to find Copybook Query panel opens.
  3. Optional: In the Default PDS Name field, type the name of a shared partitioned data set containing the source program members to be searched.
    The PDS name you supply will be loaded into the PDS Name fields as the default member location. If you omit this field, you must enter PDS names in the PDS Name field for each member name you want to search.
  4. In the Member and PDS Name fields, type the member names and PDS locations of the source files you want to search.
    You can use the following prefix commands in the entry field beside Member to construct your query:
    • I - Inserts a new row for entering a member and PDS name. You can include a number with this command, such as I2, for example, to insert multiple rows. The rows are inserted below the row on which the prefix command is entered.
    • D - Deletes a row. You can include a number with this command, such as D2, for example, to delete multiple rows.
  5. If you have created more Member/PDS Name rows than can be displayed on one page, you can enter the following commands on the Option field to scroll the data:
    • top - Displays the top part of the data table.
    • bottom - Displays the bottom part of the data table.
    • forward - Moves the data table down by the current scroll amount. If the scroll amount is set to PAGE, for example, forward moves the table down one full screen.
    • back - Moves the data table up by the current scroll amount. If the scroll amount is set to PAGE, for example, back moves the table up one full screen.
  6. After you have entered all member and PDS names to search, press Enter.
    The panel is processed. The prefix commands are processed first and then the Option commands. Any data entered on the screen is converted to upper case. If the Default PDS Name field is not empty and any row has a non-empty Member field with the corresponding PDS Name field empty, then the value specified for the default is copied to the PDS Name field. If the Default PDS Name field is empty and if a row with a non-empty Member filed has an empty PDS Name field, the cursor will be positioned to the empty PDS Name field and a message prompts you to supply a value.
  7. To execute the query, complete all required fields and press Enter.
    The Result - Source to find Copybook Query panel opens with a list of query results. These results show dependent files used by the source programs in your query. You can use the Option commands listed in step 5 to scroll through the result data.