Deploy DevOps Code ClearCase

Read these topics for information about planning, installing, and configuring your DevOps Code ClearCase® deployment.

Note: DevOps Code ClearCase provides two clients for software developers: local and remote. Each client supports different mechanisms for accessing source-controlled filesystem objects. Both clients provide graphical and command-line interfaces.
The table that follows summarizes some important characteristics of the two clients.
Table 1. Characteristics of ClearCase clients for software developers
Client Network connection type Connection to repository of source-controlled objects View types User interfaces
ClearCase Local Client (CCLC) LAN only RPC connection to a Versioned Object Base (VOB)
  • Dynamic
  • Snapshot
  • GUI: ClearTeam Explorer (CTE)
  • CLI: cleartool
ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC) WAN and LAN http(s) connection to a VOB through a CCRC WAN server
  • Automatic
  • Web
  • GUI: ClearTeam Explorer (CTE)
  • CLI: rcleartool

The term view, as used in this table, refers to the mechanism for accessing versions in a VOB. For example, snapshot, automatic and web views provide copy-based mechanisms, whereas the dynamic view provides a mechanism to directly access versions in real time.

Another use of the term view refers to the configuration management model that governs the development of software. The two models are called Base ClearCase and Unified Change Management (UCM):
  • In a Base ClearCase view, you specify the configuration explicitly by rules for version selection, branching, and so on.
  • In a UCM view, the configuration is generated by ClearCase operations such as creating a development stream.
For more information, see the "Developing software with ClearTeam® Explorer" topic.
Note: ClearCase security depends on host and network security. For details about security requirements for your deployment infrastructure as well as those for ClearCase itself, see Overview of security considerations.