Building with TSO Client

You can create either a local or a remote build by using the TSO Client feature.

Before you begin

Before you create a build, if you intend to do a Remote Build with a member that is checked in, then check out the member.
Important: If you are using authentication mode 2 for both the TSO Client and the Remote Build features on the Windows® platform, you must define the environment variable RB_USER_HOME_DIR. This variable must be set to the home directory of the distributed user (defined in panel 1 of TSO Client).

About this task

A local build is a JCL-driven batch job that compiles and links the source and object code in the client component of the TSO Client copy area.

Remote builds use remote build scripts that are submitted on the distributed system to compile and link the source and object code in the client component of TSO Client copy area.

There are two procedures for submitting build requests using TSO Client. Each of these procedures is explained in the following topics:You can accomplish the same results using each of these procedures. Using the first procedure is simpler and involves fewer steps and fewer TSO Client panels.