Submitting build requests using the Build panel

Use option 8 Build to submit build requests for file that were uploaded using option 4 Edit and the u command.

About this task

Option 8 Build processes only files that were uploaded using option 4 Edit and u command. To submit build request for files shown on the View Files List panel, see Submitting build requests using the View Files List panel.


  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 8.
    Note: The remote build script or local build job must reside in a TSO Client copy area to be visible when you type 8 on the option line.
  2. Type s to select an uploaded data set to work with from the list. All uploaded files for that data set are listed.
  3. Type s next to the Local Build option; if you do not take this action, Remote Build becomes the default option.
  4. Type s next to the member name you want to build.
    If you chose Remote Build in step 3, you can also select a parameter file by typing a p next to the member name. The parameter file contains parameters to be passed to the build script. The syntax of the parameters are variable=value and are separated by a space or a line termination.
  5. Verify your output to ensure that your build was created successfully or to correct any problems for resubmission.

What to do next

  • If you are using a remote build, type viewlog on the Option line of any TSO Client panel to view the TSO Client log.
  • If you are using a local build, use the SDSF facility on your system to view your JES job output.