Starting and stopping the server and client components of TSO Client

About this task

Perform the following procedures to start and stop the server and client components of TSO Client.

Starting the server on Windows

About this task

In a Windows® environment, the TSO Client server, rccTSOServer, can be started as a Windows service or in a command window on the system on which it is installed. In a production environment, start the TSO Client server as a Windows service.
Note: If you are using authentication mode 2 and a ClearQuest® integrated project, the rccTSOServer cannot be started in a command window on a remote desktop.


The following topics explain how to start rccTSOServer as a Windows service or from a command window. The preferred method is to start rccTSOServer as a windows service.

Starting the server on Linux or UNIX


To start the server component of TSO Client on Linux® and the UNIX® system, perform the following steps:
  1. If you are using the password authentication feature of TSO Client, the server component of TSO Client must be started as root.
    Ensure that the clearcase/bin directory, for example, /opt/rational/clearcase/bin, is in the system PATH environment. The system environment can be set in /etc/profile.
  2. Before using the server component of TSO Client on Linux and the UNIX systems, create a directory to use as a temporary work area.
    For example, create a directory called /tsc_temp in root.
  3. Give all users defined in TSO Client panel 1 write privileges to the work area (/tsc_temp).
  4. Give the user who normally starts the server component of TSO Client write privileges to the work area (/tsc_temp).
  5. Edit the script, shown below.
    The default location of is /opt/rational/clearcase/bin.
    rccTSOServer -p portnumber -V -a 0
    You can set the following options in this script.
    -p portnumber
    Set portnumber to the port where the server component of TSO Client is configured.
    -a 0 | 2
    Specify 0 for no user authentication or 2 to use secure password protection. See Using secure password protection with TSO Client for more information.
  6. From the work area directory (/tsc_temp, in this example), run the command /opt/rational/clearcase/bin/ &.

Starting the client

About this task

The client component of TSO Client is started by using the RCCTSOR REXX EXEC. This REXX EXEC has two optional parameters:

  • NOCACHE enables you to start the TSO Client without loading cached profile information (saved from previous executions of TSO Client). Using this startup parameter can decrease startup time for TSO Client.
  • ALD=*** enables you to automatically clear log files, according to the frequency or duration settings you specify. It offers the capability to delete the log files without visiting 3.1.2 Clear Log. If the specified interval has passed since the last time the log was deleted, it is triggered after TSOC starts or after the environment definition is changed(or set).
    ALD stands for automatic log deletion. Its uses the following syntax:


    • nnn is the digit, 0 – 9. The possible value is 1 to 999.
    • W is the upper case character.
    • NO has all upper case characters.

    If nW is specified, this means CCz tries to delete the log file if n weeks have been passed since the last time when the log file was deleted. The default is 1W (one week).

    If NO is specified, this feature is disabled.


To start the client component of TSO Client, run the RCCTSOR REXX™ EXEC. Do this by performing one of these two tasks:
  • Run RCCTSOR from a TSO session or a TSO command line.
  • Add an option to your TSO/ISPF menu to run the RCCTSOR REXX EXEC on demand if a specific option number is selected. Coordinate this change with your TSO/ISPF administrator.
  • Optional: To specify the NOCACHE startup parameter, add it to the RCCTSOR startup command, as in the following example.
    hlq.version.TSCRX(RCCTSOR)'  ‘NOCACHE'
    Valid abbreviations for the NOCACHE parameter include NO, NOC, NOCA, NOCAC, and NOCACH.
  • Optional: Specify the “ALD=*** parameter at startup, add it to the RCCTSOR startup command, as in the following examples:
    ‘hlq.version.TSCRX(RCCTSOR)' ‘ALD=2W'
    ‘hlq.version.TSCRX(RCCTSOR)' ‘NOCACHE,ALD=2W'

    Where ALD=2W means to auto delete TSOC LOG every two weeks.


If RCCTSOR runs successfully, the TSO Client Main Menu panel displays.

When TSO Client starts, it compares the saved log time and the current time, and if their difference exceeds the specified time interval, a Confirm Log Delete dialog will pop up to let you confirm the log deletion operation.

Stopping the client

About this task

You can stop TSO Client at any time by pressing PF3 from the TSO Client Main Menu.