Starting the TSO Client server as a Windows service

You can start the TSO Client server as a Windows® service.

About this task

There are many tools and methods to configure the TSO Client server as a Windows service. The following procedure uses a tool provided in the Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools.

The Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools provides two utilities that allow you to create a Windows user-defined service for Windows applications: Instrsrv.exe to install and remove system services from Windows and srvany.exe to allow any Windows application to run as a service.


To start the TSO Client server as a Windows service:
  1. Edit the rccTSOServer.bat script, shown below.
    The default location of rccTSOServer.bat is: C:\Program Files\IBM Rational\ClearCase\bin.
    set cp=copy
    set cat=ccperl
    set cleartool=cleartool
    set clearmake=clearmake
    set TSO_SERVER_PORT_NUMBER=portnumber
    set RCC_MAX_PROC=number
    # set c:\workarea as working directory for rccTSOServer.exe
    cd /D C:\workarea
    rccTSOServer.exe -p %TSO_SERVER_PORT_NUMBER% -a 0
    You can set the following options in this script. All other statements should remain as shown in the example.
    set TSO_SERVER_PORT_NUMBER=portnumber
    Set portnumber to the port where the server component of TSO Client is configured.
    set RCC_MAX_PROC=number
    Set number to the maximum number of child processes allowed. This environment variable ensures that the number of simultaneous client requests cannot exceed the capacity of the server. If this environment variable is not set, the default maximum process number is set to 30, that is, the rccTSOServer will support a maximum of 30 concurrent active child processes by default. The current maximum child process number cannot exceed 64. If the number is set to more than 64, the maximum supported number, 64, is used by rccTSOServer.
    cd /D C:\workarea
    Specify a working directory. Setting a working directory for the TSO Client server helps preserve user data. The TSO Client server creates a subdirectory in its working directory for each user to cache each user's data. If it were running from the IBM® Rational® ClearCase® default installed directory, C: \Program Files\IBM Rational\ClearCase\bin, then cached data would be lost when upgrading to a new version of Rational ClearCase.
    -a 0 | 2
    Specify 0 for no user authentication or 2 to use secure password protection. See Using secure password protection with TSO Client for more information.
    -ro 1 | 0
    Specify 1 to support roaming profiles. Specify 0 to support local profiles only. The default is 0. For more information about setting up roaming profiles, see Configuring rccTSOServer on Windows for user authentication.
    -w number
    If -w is specified, the maximum child process number is set by -w and rccTSOServer ignores the environment variable RCC_MAX_PROC. The current maximum child process number cannot exceed 64. If the -w parameter is more than 64, the maximum supported number, 64, is used by rccTSOServer.
  2. From the Microsoft Web site, download and install the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools.
  3. Open a Windows command prompt and issue the following command.
    In this command, TSOClient is the defined service name. You can use any name you like. This command assumes the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools is installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits. If you install the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools in different directory, you need to change the command accordingly.
    Instsrv TSOClient C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\srvany.exe
    When this command has completed, the following message is issued:
     The service was successfully added!
  4. Open the Windows Control Panel and use the Services applet to change the Account Name and Password that this newly installed service will use for its Security Context.
    You should run this service under an account that has authority to access IBM Rational ClearCase. To check this setting, do these steps:
    1. Right-click the service name and then click Properties.
    2. Click the Log On tab, select the This account radio button, and enter an account name and password with Rational ClearCase access.
  5. To verify that the service was created correctly, check the registry to verify that the ImagePath value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\service name is set to SRVANY.EXE. If this is not set correctly, the service will stop shortly after it starts and return an Event ID 7000 "The service name failed to start."
  6. From the Start menu, click Start > Run, type either regedit or regedt32, and click OK.
  7. Navigate to the subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TSOClient.
  8. Select this subkey and then click Edit > New > Key to create a new key. Type Parameters for the key name.
  9. Select the Parameters key, click Edit > New > String Value, and type Application for the new value.
  10. Select Application and then right-click and select Modify to open the Edit String window. Type the absolute file location of the batch file for the TSO Client server in the Value data field and click OK.
    C:\Program Files\IBM Rational\ClearCase\bin\rccTSOServer.bat
  11. Select the Parameters key, click Edit > New > String Value, and type AppDirectory for the new value
  12. Select AppDirectory and then right-click and select Modify to open the Edit String window. Type the absolute file location of the batch file for the TSO Client server in the Value data field and click OK.
  13. Click OK to close the Registry Editor.

What to do next

You can now start and stop the TSO Client server service by taking one of the following actions:
  • From the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools > Services. In the Services (Local) window, navigate to the TSO Client server service name (for example, TSOClient), right click on this name, and click Start or Stop.
  • From the Start menu, select My Computer and then right-click and select Manage. Expand Services and Applications and click Services. In the Services window, navigate to the TSO Client server service name (for example, TSOClient), right click on this name, and click Start or Stop.