Editing a file

z/OS® Extensions provides an edit operation that you can use to edit files that are checked out, files that are not checked out, or view-private files. When used on a file that is under source control but is not checked out, this operation is similar to a hijack operation.

Before you begin

To enable the edit function for files that are not checked out, you need to specify ENABLE_CHECKOVERWRITE TRUE in your profile. You can edit files that you have checked out or view-private files without setting this option.

About this task

This task explains how to edit a file. If you attempt to check out a file and receive the following message, you can also perform a hijack-like function during the checkout operation.
cleartool: Error: Branch "<branch name="">" of element is checked out reserved by view <view name=""> ("<view storage="">"). 
cleartool: Error: Unable to check out "<element name="">".
See the checkout topics in the related topics for more information about hijacking a file during a checkout operation.


  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 4.
  2. On the left side of the Dataset Action panel, under DSLIST, type s to select a data set.
    The View Files List panel displays.
  3. To edit files, do one of the following actions:
    • Type e next to the file name.
    • Type s next to the file name, type e on the option line of the Select Action panel, and press Enter.
    The ISPF editor is opened.