Profile parameters

This topic describes the parameters you can set in a profile.

Required parameters

The following table lists parameters required to be defined in every profile.
Parameter Description Default
DISTRIBUTED_ADD_PERMISSIONS UNIXpermissions The UNIX® (User, Group, World) permissions that files have when they are added to source control on the distributed system. This parameter is required if PLATFORM (UNIX) is specified. None
HOST hostID You can specify hostID as the IP address or the hostname of the distributed system on which you are running the TSO Client server. If you specify the hostname, the name must be supported by your network configuration to identify the system. None
PLATFORM (WINDOWS | UNIX ) The platform on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase® and the client component of TSO Client
Note: If DevOps Code ClearCase is running on Linux® and the UNIX system, you should specify PLATFORM (UNIX).
PORT portnumber The port number of the distributed system on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase and the server component of TSO Client. None
UCM ( YES | NO ) Indicates whether the development project is enabled for UCM. Specify YES if the project is UCM enabled. Specify NO if the project is not UCM-enabled. NO
VIEW_TYPE ( DYNAMIC | SNAPSHOT ) The type of ClearCase view you are using on the distributed system. DYNAMIC

Optional parameters

The following table lists optional environment definition parameters. Define these parameters to support specific z/OS® Extensions features or operating environments.
Parameter Description Default
CLIENT_CODEPAGE distributedsystemcodepage The code page used for the distributed system. IBM-850 (Windows®)

ISO8859-1 (Linux and the UNIX system)

CQINT ( YES | NO ) You can specify YES to enable TSO Client to support ClearQuest® integrated UCM projects. For this option to take effect, you must also specify UCM YES in your profile. If this option is enabled, TSO Client users are prompted for ClearQuest credentials on panel 1, Distributed user specification. In addition, TSO Client users can only select a ClearQuest activity on panel 1.4. The activity must have been created in ClearQuest client tools when using a ClearQuest integrated UCM project. NO
CQURL ClearQuestWebServerURL Specify the URL of a ClearQuest Web server to integrate TSO Client with ClearQuest Web, such as http://9.123.456.789:12345/cqweb/oslc. To use TSO Client with ClearQuest Web, you must also specify UCM YES and CQINT YES. None
ENABLE_CHECKOVERWRITE ( TRUE | FALSE ) You can specify TRUE to enable TSO Client to overwrite an existing file during a checkout operation. If this feature is enabled, then TSO Client prompts users to overwrite an existing member of a PDS or cancel a checkout operation if the content of the member and the content of the file in ClearCase are different.

Setting this option to TRUE allows you to perform a function similar to the ClearCase hijack function in TSO Client.

ENABLE_MULTIVIEW (TRUE | FALSE) Specify TRUE to enable TSO Client to support multiple views attached to the same stream or branch. Enabling this parameter allows TSO client users to perform unreserved checkouts.

If you specify ENABLE_MULTIVIEW FALSE, then each view must be attached to a different stream or branch, and unreserved checkouts are not allowed.

EXECENV_CODE envcodepage The code page for the distributed system's locale. For example, if Taiwanese Windows is used as the distributed system and the code pages of the input, the output, and the build script files are UTF-8, specify the following code page parameters:
This parameter defaults to the same value as is specified for the CLIENT_CODEPAGE parameter.
MVFS_DRIVER driveletter Specify the MVFS driver letter indicated in the ClearCase Properties settings. If you do not set a value for this parameter, the default value M is used.

To find the value for MVFS driver letter, open the Windows Control Panel and switch to the “Classic View". Double-click ClearCase and then, in the ClearCase Properties window, click the MVFS tab to find the MVFS drive letter.

PARMBUILD_PROFILE profilePath The location of the parameterized build user profile. This parameter is required if you are using parameterized build with a table-driven configuration.

The value for profilePath has the following format:

  • Windows: The hostname for the Windows system and the directory where the user profile resides. For instance, if the hostname of the Windows system is CCHOSTNAME and the user profile is placed in c:\MyPB\profileUSER, then the value of PARMBUILD_SCRIPTS is specified as \\CCHOSTNAME\MyPB\profileUSER.
    Note: If your SERVER_CODEPAGE is a Japanese code page, such as IBM-930, then the backslash character used to indicate a file path delimiter is displayed as a Yen sign character.
  • UNIX: the path name of the directory where the user profile resides, such as, /home/userid/MyPB/profileUSER.
For more information about the user profile, see Creating a table-driven configuration.
PARMBUILD_SCRIPTS scriptPath The location of the parameterized build scripts on the distributed system. This parameter is required if you are using parameterized build.

The value for scriptPath has the following format:

  • Windows: The hostname for the Windows system and the directory where the build scripts reside. For instance, if the hostname of the Windows system is CCHOSTNAME and the build scripts are placed in c:\ccstg_d\Triggers, then the value of PARMBUILD_SCRIPTS is specified as \\CCHOSTNAME\ccstg_d\Triggers.
    Note: If your SERVER_CODEPAGE is a Japanese code page, such as IBM-930, then the backslash character used to indicate a file path delimiter is displayed as a Yen sign character.
  • UNIX: the path name of the directory where the build scripts reside, such as, /opti/rational/clearcase/parmbuild/Triggers.
SERVER_CODEPAGE hostcodepage [ESCAPECODEPOINTS cc:cc:cc:cc . . .]
  • SERVER_CODEPAGE hostcodepage specifies the EBCDIC code page used for the host system. The default is IBM-1047 (z/OS). If you specify IBM-930, IBM-939, IBM-1390 or IBM-1399 for the server code page, refer to Japanese code page support (IBM-930, IBM-939, IBM-1390 and IBM-1399) for more information.
  • ESCAPECODEPOINTS cc:cc:cc:cc . . . specifies a list of characters to escape during conversion of characters between ASCII and EBCDIC code pages. Use this parameter to enable successful round-trip transfer of characters that do not transfer successfully from ASCII to EBCDIC and back again. Only numeric characters, 0-9, and the uppercase alphabet characters, A-F, can be used. No lowercase characters can be used. If you specify the following in your profile, for example, the EBCDIC characters 0x00, 0x0D, 0x15 and 0x25 are escaped:
    This escape is enabled only when the ESCAPECODEPOINTS option is specified on the SERVER_CODEPAGE parameter. In addition to what is specified with this option, the following EBCDIC characters are escaped:
    • 0x15
    • 0x0D
    • The character that is converted to 0x00 in the code page specified by the CLIENT_CODEPAGE parameter
    • The character that is converted to 0x0D in the code page specified by the CLIENT_CODEPAGE parameter
    • The character that is converted to 0x1A in the code page specified by the CLIENT_CODEPAGE parameter
    For example, if IBM-1047 is specified in the SERVER_CODEPAGE parameter, and IBM-850 is specified in the CLIENT_CODEPAGE parameter, the code conversion from IBM-1047 to IBM-850 is as follows:
    IBM-1047 IBM-850
    0x00 0x00
    0x0D 0x0D
    0x1C 0x1A
    The following EBCDIC characters are also escaped: 0x15, 0x0D, 0x00, 0x1C.
VIEW_NETWORK_NAME viewnetworkname View Network Name is a value that can be set by the DevOps Code ClearCase administrator. The default value of this parameter is view.

If you use a different value besides view for View Network Name, specify that value with this parameter. Use this parameter if your distributed system is running Windows.

To find the value for View Network Name, click Start > Settings > Control Panel, double-click the ClearCase icon, click the MVFS tab, and note the contents of the View Network Name field.


You can specify TRUE to enable the TSO Client to forbid users to upload files whose status is CHECK OUT. If this feature is enabled, Panel 2.1 will be hidden on the main panel.

If you specify FALSE or do not specify ENABLE_CHECKCOUPD keyword in profile, then panel 2.1 will appear on the main panel normally, and users can upload files on panel 2.1 or panel 2.2 regardless of whether their status is CHECK OUT.