Japanese code page support (IBM-930, IBM-939, IBM-1390 and IBM-1399)

This topic outlines several limitations in the z/OS® Extensions support for Japanese server code pages (IBM-930, IBM-939, IBM-1390 and IBM-1399).

Characters in Rational® ClearCase® properties

Because IBM-930 does not support lowercase alphabet characters, TSO client does not support them either. Although IBM-1390 does support lowercase alphabet characters, TSO Client does not support them. Some characters have limitations. If such characters are used in the following IBM® Rational ClearCase properties, they will sometimes display as a different character or be rejected as invalid characters. These characters can be used in file content, however.
Note: Some of these restrictions (such as the View name restriction) apply to any Japanese encodings.
  • VOB/Project VOB name
  • View name
  • Component name
  • Element name
  • Activity name
  • Comment for Check out/in
  • Headline for Activity
The following characters have limitations.
  • Circumflex accent: ^
  • Dollar sign: $
  • Tilde accent: ~
  • Overline: ‾
  • Left bracket: [
  • Right bracket: ]
  • Yen sign: ¥
  • Backslash: \
  • Logical NOT sign: ¬
  • Lower case alphabet characters
  • Half width Katakana characters
If an element name (or the file name) in Rational ClearCase has a Dollar sign character, TSO Client shows it as a Dollar sign character in its panels (for example, the View Files List panel). However, in ISPF's DATA SET LIST UTILITY panel, it is displayed as a Yen sign character in the IBM-930 and IBM-1390 environments.

If an element name (or the file name) in Rational ClearCase has double-width Japanese characters, it cannot be uploaded to the specified PDS.

Yen sign character

You cannot use the Yen sign character in the copy area of the environment definition file or in the Local PDS Prefix field of the TSO Client Main Menu panel. If you need to specify a PDS name in which you can see the Yen sign character in the ISPF DATA SET LIST UTILITY panel under the IBM-930 and IBM-1390 environments, you need to use a Dollar sign character instead of the Yen sign character.

TSO Client Log file, Compare with previous version, and Compare two versions in Version Tree

If the following characters in the left column in the table are supposed to be displayed, they are actually displayed as the character in the right column.
Table 1.
Intended Character Actual Character
Dollar sign: $ Yen sign: ¥
Tilde accent: ~ Overline: ‾
Overline: ‾ Tilde accent: ~
Left bracket: [ RA:
Right bracket: ] N:
Yen sign: ¥ Backslash: \
Backslash: \ Dollar sign: $
If Half width Katakana characters or the lowercase alphabet characters are supposed to be displayed, they are actually displayed as different characters.

If you can switch the terminal emulator encoding to IBM-939 or IBM-1399, these characters are displayed as expected. If your terminal emulator is IBM Personal Communications, you can switch the encoding temporarily using Alternate Viewing Mode. (Typically, this function is bound to Ctrl + F3 keys ).

Version Tree

The version tree shows the element's versions. Typically, it has a stream name, and the initial stream name is ‘main,' which, being lowercase, cannot be displayed in the IBM-930 and IBM-1390 environments. It is displayed with different characters.