Checking in files

You can check in files by using the TSO Client View Files List and File Actions panels.


  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 4.
  2. On the left side of the Dataset Action panel, under DSLIST, type s to select a data set.
    The View Files List panel displays.
  3. To check in files, do one of the following actions:
    • Type ci next to the file name. TSO Client prompts you to type a descriptive comment.
    • Type s next to the file name, type the command short name on the option line of the File Actions panel, type a descriptive comment, and press Enter.
    The State field is updated to reflect the action performed.
    Note: SBC case characters are not supported in comments.
    Note: When file names (not including file type extension) are greater than 8 characters long, the first 8 characters must be unique. Otherwise, they will be overlaid when uploaded into the same copy area PDS. This requirement is due to the MVS™ 8-character restriction for member names. Likewise, because of the ambiguity, the download of the member might not update the proper file.

What to do next

If the checkin action is successful, no further action is necessary. If the checkin action fails, and you receive one of the following messages, you can complete the checkin using the alternative process described in this section.
Table 1. Options for checking in files
Error situation Message
The file has been checked out in reserve mode by someone else.
cleartool: Error: Branch "<branch name="">" of element is checked out reserved by view <view name=""> ("<view storage="">"). 
cleartool: Error: Unable to check in "<element name="">".
A successor version of the file has already been checked in by someone else.
cleartool: Error: The most recent version on branch "<branch name="">" is not the predecessor of this version. 
cleartool: Error: Unable to check in "<element name="">".
To complete the checkin operation, do these steps:
  1. Copy the file to another file.
  2. Undo the checkout.
  3. Wait for the file to be available for checkout in reserved mode.
  4. Check out the file in reserved mode.
  5. Merge the file checked out in reserved mode with the copy.
  6. Check in the file.
See the related topics for instructions for completing these steps.