HCL Commerce Version or later

Downloading the HCL Commerce CSR SDK

HCL Commerce CSR SDK that is based on the Node.js react-app. The CSR SDK is completely independent of the HCL Commerce toolkit.


The CSR SDK requires the following prerequisites before you can use it to develop your custom HCL Customer Service Hub:
  • Any operating system that supports a Node.js environment. For example, Windows, MacOS, Linux.
  • Node.js 14.15.1 or higher.
  • npm 6.14.8 or higher.
  • Any web development IDE of your choice.
  • Chrome, FireFox, or Safari browsers. You can also use Edge with the required extensions.
  • Git to manage the project.

Download the HCL Commerce CSR SDK

You can download the CSR SDK as a project from the HCL Software License & Delivery site. This ensures that only end customers have access to the CSR SDK. After you download the project, you can manage it in Git.

The HCL Software License & Delivery is the site for managing Software Licenses and providing you with Software Downloads. If you have not registered for the site, see How to register to HCL Software portals.

To download the CSR SDK, complete the following steps:
  1. Review Obtaining HCL Commerce Developer software and Review the list of the latest available download packages to ensure that you are obtaining the most up-to-date version of HCL Commerce software.
  2. Go to the HCL Software License & Delivery site.
  3. Search for, download, and extract the latest version of the CSR SDK to obtain the HCL Commerce CSR React App Git bundle.

Installing the CSR SDK

The CSR SDK is delivered as a Git bundle so that you can have visibility into the change history of the overall CSR SDK and you can compare and merge new updates of the store into your own Git custom Store project (or other SCS).

Complete the following steps to install the project:
  • Install Git. For more information, see https://git-scm.com.
  • Move the downloaded HCL Commerce CSR React App into a working directory.
  • Clone the project in Git from the downloaded Git bundle by running the following command:
    For Windows: git clone -c core.longpaths=true <CSR SDK bundle> <target-directory>
    Note: If you do not set config core.longpaths=true you might get the following error 
    when you run the git clone command: "Unable to create file <filename>: Filename too long."
    For MacOS or Linux: git clone <CSR SDK bundle> <target-directory>

    A Git project containing the CSR SDK is created at the <target-directory>. You can check the code into your source control management system.