Troubleshooting: CATENTDESCOVER.published field is not updating at the store level

HCL Commerce provides a feature to override catalog descriptions that are used to override the catalog descriptions at the store level.


The override catalog descriptions feature works fine for description fields but fails to update the CATENTDESCOVR.published field. The CATENTDESCOVR.published field that is used to override the descriptions for store level behaves as a site-level field for all stores.


To update the CATENTDESCOVR.published field, enable the tag that is disabled by default. To enable the tag:
  • Go to the /LOBTools/WebContent/WEB-INF/src/xml/commerce/catalog/propertiesViews location.
  • Open the CatalogPropertyPane.xml file.
  • Replace the existing code with the following:
    <PropertyGroup collapsable="false" name="cmc/catalog/OverridePublishedGroup">
    <EnablementAndCondition baseDefinition="cmc/catalog/InheritedCatalogEntryAndOverrideEnabledConditions"/>
    <PropertyCombobox objectPath="CatalogEntryDescription" 
    promptText="${catalogResources.displayToCustomerPrompt}" propertyName="xdesc_published" required="true" 
    <PropertyCombobox objectPath="CatalogEntryDescriptionOverride" 
    promptText="${catalogResources.displayToCustomerPrompt}" propertyName="xdescovr_published" 
  • Save and close the file.