Generate WebSphere Commerce encrypted password (wcs_password)

The wcs_password utility is used for encrypting user passwords to be stored in the WebSphere Commerce database.

Passwords are encrypted with a merchant key. The value of the merchant key could be specified through command line arguments or retrieved from calling out to the Key Locator Framework using the "-k" parameter.


Generate WebSphere Commerce encrypted password (wcs_password) syntax diagram

Parameter values

The plain-text password
A random string that is used in the generation of a password
The value of the merchant key to encrypt the user password. Specify this parameter if the merchant key is not retrieved from the Key Locator Framework.
-k keys_config_file_location
The merchant key is to be retrieved from the Key Locator Framework using the specified key configuration file. The absolute path of the file must be specified.

Example 1

Encrypt password when merchant key is not retrieved from the Key Locator Framework: wcs_password pass1word rfKtuve 1234567890abcdef

Example 2

Encrypt password when merchant key is retrieved from the Key Locator Framework:
wcs_password pass1word rfKtuve -k 