WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional

Adding a menu action

The default IBM Sales Center actions are defined by the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.actionSetGroups extension-point. This extension point allows you to specify a list of actionSet IDs and an ID for the whole group. When a IBM Sales Center perspective is loaded, it will use a predefined ID to determine which action set group to use. You can use the system configurator plug-in to override an entire action set group, or a specific action set that already defined as part of the action set.

About this task

To define a new menu action:


  1. Define your actions using the base eclipse extension point org.eclipse.ui.actionSets. The following sample defines a single action in an action set:
             label="Sample Action Set"
  2. When writing a new workbench action delegate class, make sure to extend from the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.actions.TelesalesWorkbenchActionDelegate class. The real work for a IBM Sales Center workbench action is done in an action registered with the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.actions extension point.
    package extensions;
    import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action;
    public class ExtendedAction extends Action {
            public void run() {
                    System.out.println("running extended action");
    package extensions;
    import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
    public class ExtendedWorkbenchActionDelegate extends
    TelesalesWorkbenchActionDelegate {
            public void init(IAction action) {
                    action.setText("my action");
                    action.setToolTipText("my action tool tip text");
                    action.setDescription("my action description");
             * Indicate that the real work is to be delegated to the
             * registered under "extensions.ExtendedAction".
             * @see
            public String getDelegateActionId() {
                    return "extensions.ExtendedAction";
  3. Indicate the ID of the delegate action in your getDelegateActionId method (see preceding example).
  4. (Optional) Set the action attributes in the init(IAction action) method. For example:
       public void init(IAction action) {
                    action.setText("my action");
                    action.setToolTipText("my action tool tip text");
                    action.setDescription("my action description");
  5. (Optional) Extend the following methods:
      public String getActionDefinitionId()
      public String getHelpContextId()
  6. To include the new action in the action set group for a perspective:
    1. Define a new action set group
    2. Use the system configurator to indicate that your action set group will be used instead of the default one. In normal circumstances you will include all of the default action sets as well as your new one. This can be done by referencing the default action set group in your action set group definition. The following sample is a new action set group definition for the Orders perspective that includes the test.actionSet action set.
             name="Extended Orders Perspective ActionSet Group"
          <actionSetGroup id="extensions.actionSetGroup.orders">
    This sample also requires that you add the following entry to your system configurator file:
