Adding an editor

There are several types of editors in the IBM Sales Center. These editors are used to create and manage orders, quotes, ticklers, returns, and customers. Editors are where the Customer Service Representatives do the majority of their work. This section explains how to add an editor.

Before you begin

If the plugin is needed to add an editor.

To add a plugin:

  1. In Sales Center development environment, select Windows > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform
  2. Click the Add button to launch the target provisioners wizard
  3. Select File System to add a plugin from one or more folders on your file system.
  4. Click Next and then click Add.
  5. Browse to the directory that contains the plugin.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Check Group plug-ins by location on the Target Platform window to view the plugin locations
  8. Uncheck and Expand the newly added plugin Location to add the subset of plugins
  9. Select the desired plugin then click Apply and OK.

About this task

To add a new editor to the IBM Sales Center, follow these steps:


  1. Define the new editor using the org.eclipse.ui.editors extension point. This is a base Eclipse extension point. Refer to the Base Eclipse platform documentation for information about using this extension point.
  2. If you want to ensure that the pages your editor uses can be modified using the extension point, then create an editor implementation Java class that extends the TelesalesMultiPageEditor abstract class. The IBM Sales Center has a number of base classes in the package that can be subclassed to create editors and editor pages.
    A base class for a multipage editor.
    A base class that all pages in a TelesalesMultiPageEditor must subclass.
    A subclass of EditorPage that provides support for common toolbar and button bar area.
    A subclass of TelesalesEditorPage that provides support for defining the editor page using managed composites.
    A base class for a single page editor
    A subclass of TelesalesEditorPart that provides support for defining the editor using managed composites.
  3. Add editor pages to your editor. Note that these pages must implement the EditorPage interface.
  4. Use the TelesalesEditorFactory Java class to open your editor. Refer to the API documentation for TelesalesEditorFactory for information about this class.
