Deprecated featureDeprecated feature

Linking an answer to an HTML page

You can choose to link an answer to an HTML page, such as a product page, so that a customer who selects this answer is automatically directed to that page.

About this task

To link an answer to an HTML page:


  1. Edit the XML input file.
  2. Find the <answer> element that you want to change.
  3. Enter the URL for the target HTML page between the <templateName> begin and end tags.
  4. Enter the number 3 between the <templateUsage> begin and end tags.
  5. Enter the number 0 between the <passConstraint> begin and end tags.
  6. Enter the category ID of your guided sell between the <metaCategoryId> begin and end tags.
  7. Enter the name of your Guided Sell metaphor between the <metaphorName> begin and end tags.
  8. Save the XML file.
  9. Update the production server by importing the updated XML file.