Deprecated feature

AddProductsToSearchSpace URL

Updates the Product Advisor separate search space product assignment to a category.

Updates the Product Advisor separate search space product assignment to a category. This URL is only called if products are assigned to a category. This URL does not affect a base search space.

URL structure

http:// host_name/path/
The fully qualified name of your WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path

AddProductsToSearchSpace.gif (3868 bytes)

Parameter values

Required: The category reference number of the category from which the products were added.
Required: A list of all product reference numbers affected during the WebSphere Commerce catalog updates. This parameter can be repeated.


  • Called by the massload utility after products have been added to the WebSphere Commerce catalog.
  • Verifies access control of the user on whose behalf the command will be run; only a person with a role of Merchant or merchandising manager can invoke this command.
  • Accepts a category ID and a list of products as input. These parameters are generated by the preceding applications, and represent all of the products that were added to the specified category during the application's processing.
  • Determines whether a search space has been defined for the specified category using the ICROOTCAT table.
  • For each supplied product ID, the command adds a row into the search space.

Exception Conditions
