Testing the Payment Service Provider Simulator

In this lesson, you will verify that the Payment Service Provider Simulator is successfully deployed.


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer.
  2. Open the Java EE perspective.
  3. In the Servers view:
    1. Right-click WebSphere Commerce Test Server and select Start from the menu, or restart the server if the server is already started.
    2. Wait for the status of the server to change, signifying the server is started.
  4. Select Window > Preferences.
  5. In the left navigator list, select General > Capabilities.
  6. In the Capabilities list, select the Web Service Developer option.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Services view, click JAX-RPC; right-click PSPSimEJB: PSPSimService; then select Test with Web Services Explorer.
  9. In the Web Services Explorer:
    1. In the Operations section, click getCardStatus.
    2. In the cardBrand field, type VISA.
    3. In the cardNumberfield, type 4111111111111111.
    4. Click Go. If the Payment Service Provider Simulator is deployed successfully, you should see the following:

      Testing the payment simulator with getCardStatus
  10. Close the Web Services Explorer.