Creating the payment plug-in session bean

In this step, you will create the payment plug-in session bean, which will contain the business logic of the payment plug-in.


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer.
  2. Open the Java EE perspective.
  3. Select File > New > Other > EJB > Enterprise Bean (1.x-2.x).
  4. Make sure that the Session bean option is selected.
  5. In the EJB project field, make sure that MyPaymentPlugin is selected.
  6. In the Bean name field, type MyPaymentPlugin.
  7. In the Default package field, type com.mycompany.payment.plugin:

    Creating MyPaymentPlugin EJB project.

  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Session type field, make sure that Stateless is selected.
  10. In the Transaction type field, make sure that Container is selected.
  11. Make sure that the Remote client view option is selected. The other two options should be left cleared:

    Enterprise bean details.

  12. Click Next.
  13. In the Which interfaces should the remote interface extend section, click Add.
  14. In the Select an interface using field, type Plugin.
  15. In the Matching types list, select Plugin -

    Selecting the Plugin interface.

  16. Click OK:
  17. Click Finish.
  18. Close the classdiagram.dnx editor. Do not save the changes.