Introduced in Feature Pack 3

Viewing the IBM Digital Analytics Cross Sold Products report

The Cross Sold Products report IBM Digital Analytics, formerly known as Coremetrics Analytics lists the top 20 items that are purchased on your site by unique buyers, and the top five items that were cross sold with each of these products during the selected time period. For each cross sold item, this report lists the number of common buyers over the time period, and the number of common visitors who purchased the two items during the same visit. Use this information to optimize future cross selling campaigns.

Before you begin

Your site must be integrated with IBM Digital Analytics.


  1. Open the Catalogs tool.
  2. Search for any product.
  3. Open the product.
  4. Click the Merchandising Associations tab.
  5. Above the Merchandising associations table, click the IBM Digital Analytics report iconView Cross Sold Products Report icon.
  6. If prompted, log on to IBM Digital Analytics.


In a new browser, the Cross Sold Products report displays in IBM Digital Analytics.