
The Inventory section provides a comprehensive overview of the devices and binaries in use within the organization. It offers key performance indicators (KPIs) depicting the distribution of devices and binaries across various dimensions.

This functionality is crucial for administrators to effectively track the inventory of devices and binaries, facilitating efficient management and maintenance. By providing insights into device hardware, software inventory, health status, and performance metrics, administrators can make informed decisions, optimize resource utilization.

Within the Inventory section, users will find following key components:

  • Statistics
  • Device Hardware
  • Binaries Device
  • Device Health
  • Health Performance


Inventory statistics encompass a range of quantitative data pertaining to the assets and resources within an organization. Within the context of inventory management, these statistics provide valuable insights into the distribution, utilization, and trends related to various assets.

This view contains following reports/widgets:

  • System User Count: This metric represents the total count of all system users within the organization.
  • Device Count: The device count metric indicates the total number of devices registered within the organization's inventory. It includes all types of devices such as desktops and laptops.
  • Binaries Count: This metric denotes the total count of binaries or software applications installed across the organization's devices. It includes all software applications, programs, and executables used by employees to perform their tasks.
  • Device Count Trend: The device count trend provides insights into the historical changes in the total number of devices over selected time.
  • Binaries Count Trend: Similarly, the binaries count trend illustrates the historical changes in the total count of binaries installed across the organization's devices over selected time.
  • Employee Count Today vs Trend: This statistic showcases the current count of employees within the organization along with a comparative trend for the selected time.
  • System Users Count Today vs Trend: This statistic showcases the current count of system users within the organization along with a comparative trend for the selected time.
  • Device Count Today vs Trend: This statistic showcases the current count of devices within the organization along with a comparative trend for the selected time.
  • Binaries Count Today vs Trend: This statistic showcases the current count of application binaries within the organization along with a comparative trend for the selected time.

Device Hardware

Device hardware refers to the physical equipment such as laptops, desktops, and other devices used within an organization. The term encompasses various aspects of these devices including their distribution across different countries, manufacturers, models, and operating systems.

The information provided outlines various metrics and visualizations related to device hardware, such as:

  • Total Devices: Average number of devices available in the organization.
  • Devices by Hardware: Average number of laptops and desktops in the organization, represented typically by a pie chart.
  • Devices by Country: Average spread of devices across operating countries, often visualized using a bar chart.
  • Devices by Manufacturer: Average number of devices distributed across different manufacturers, typically visualized using a bar chart.
  • Devices by Model: Distribution of devices by specific models, represented usually by a bar chart.
  • Hardware type by Country: A two-dimensional grid showcasing the count of laptops/desktops across different countries.
  • Inventory by OS version: Distribution of count of operating systems (typically Windows OS) running within the organization.
  • OS Breakdown by Country: A pivot table showcasing a two-dimensional grid of country and available operating system count within the organization.

Binaries Device

Binaries refer to the executable files (.exe) associated with applications in a computing environment. Binaries are essentially the compiled code that enables an application to run on a computer system.

  • Count of Binaries: This section displays the total number of binaries found on the system.
  • Top 10 Binaries by Usage: This section lists the top 10 most frequently used binaries on the system.
  • "binary" refers to the executable file (.exe) associated with a software application. These binaries contain the compiled code that allows the application to run on a computer system.
  • The report seems to be focused on identifying which binaries are using the most memory on the system. This information can be helpful for troubleshooting performance issues or identifying potential areas for optimization.
  • The Figure displays the report on top memory-utilized binaries. The report shows the following columns:
  • Binary: This column lists the name of the binary file.
  • Average Memory Usage (MB): This column shows the average memory usage of the binary in megabytes (MB).
  • Max Memory Usage (MB): This column shows the maximum memory usage of the binary in megabytes (MB).

Device Health

The Device Health section provides visualizations and insights into the health status of devices within the organization. By monitoring key metrics related to device stability and performance, administrators can proactively identify and address issues to ensure optimal device functionality and user experience. Enabling proactive monitoring and management of device stability and performance. By visualizing key metrics such as hard resets, app crashes, app freezes, CPU utilization, and memory utilization, administrators can identify and address issues promptly, ensuring optimal device functionality.

  • Devices with Hard Resets: This visualization depicts the number of devices experiencing hard resets over a selected time. Hard resets indicate instances where devices are forced to reboot abruptly due to system errors or crashes.
  • Devices with App Crashes: This visualization showcases the number of devices encountering application crashes over a selected time period. Application crashes represent instances where software programs unexpectedly terminate due to errors or bugs.
  • Devices with App Freezes: This visualization illustrates the number of devices experiencing application freezes over a selected time period. Application freezes occur when software becomes unresponsive or stops responding to user input.
  • Devices having High CPU Utilization: This visualization identifies devices exhibiting high CPU utilization levels, displaying the average and maximum CPU usage percentages for each device. High CPU utilization can indicate resource-intensive tasks or processes consuming system resources, leading to performance degradation.
  • Devices having High Memory Utilization: This visualization highlights devices with high memory utilization levels, presenting the average and maximum memory usage percentages for each device. High memory utilization can indicate memory leaks, inefficient software usage, or insufficient system resources.

Health Performance

Inventory Performance refers to the analysis and measurement of various performance metrics related to digital devices and systems within an inventory. Specifically, it involves monitoring and evaluating key aspects such as boot duration, device manufacturer, days since last full boot, and binary crashes.