Boot and Logon Analysis

The Boot and Logon Analysis dashboard provides in detail insights into the performance of device boot-ups and user logon procedures. This dashboard aids in optimizing device startup and user logon processes to enhance overall digital experience and productivity.

Within the Boot and Logon Analysis section, users will find two key components:

  • Boot Analysis
  • Logon Analysis

Boot Analysis

Boot Analysis focuses on analyzing the boot speed of devices. It comprises several reports aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of boot performance.

  1. Boot Speed Overview: This report categorizes devices based on their boot duration experience, classifying them into Frustrating, Tolerating, and good levels. Devices with boot durations exceeding 150 seconds are classified as Frustrating, those between 30 and 150 seconds as Tolerating, and those less than or equal to 30 seconds as Good. This categorization enables stakeholders to identify devices with suboptimal boot performance and prioritize optimization.
  1. Boot Speed Score: This report categorizes devices based on boot duration experience. It provides a visual representation of the distribution of devices across different boot speed categories, facilitating comparative analysis and performance benchmarking.
  2. Boot Speed Score Trend: This report illustrates the daily trend of the average boot speed DEX score over a specified time period.
  3. Boot Speed by Type: This report categorizes boot speed by type, such as full_boot or partial_boot, providing insights into different boot scenarios and their associated performance metrics.
  4. Boot Speed by Device Type: Analyzes boot speed performance categorized by device type, such as laptop or desktop. This report helps identify performance variations across different device types and informs device management strategies.
  5. Boot Speed Trend: Presents the daily trend of average speed duration in seconds for devices over a specified time-period.
  6. Average Boot Speed: This report displays the average boot speed for devices in the environment, offering a benchmark for assessing boot performance and identifying outliers.
  7. Boot Speed by Manufacturer: Provides insights into boot speed performance categorized by device manufacturer.

Logon analysis

Logon Analysis focuses on analyzing the logon speed of devices within the organization. It includes reports aimed at understanding logon performance of devices:

This dashboard displays the below widgets/reports:

  1. Logon Speed Overview: This report categorizes devices based on their logon duration experience, classifying them into Frustrating, Tolerating, and good levels. Devices with logon durations exceeding 30 seconds are classified as Frustrating, those between 5 and 30 seconds as Tolerating, and those less than or equal to 5 seconds as Good.
  1. Logon Speed Score: This report shows the average overall logon speed DEX score, derived from the Apex value calculated on the logon speed threshold. It offers insights into the overall logon speed performance and facilitates benchmarking against performance targets.
  2. Average Logon Speed: Presents the average logon speed across devices, providing a benchmark for assessing logon performance and identifying areas for improvement.
  3. Trend of Average Logon Speed Score: Illustrates the trend of the average logon speed DEX score over time.
  4. Logon Speed Score Trend: This report shows the daily trend of the average logon speed DEX score over a specified time-period, facilitating trend analysis and performance monitoring.