Digital Experience

Digital Experience serves as the default landing page for authenticated users, providing a comprehensive overview of the organization's DEX score across various dimensions. This score is derived from pre-configured Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), reflecting the overall digital experience performance.

Displayed data on this page is dynamically adjusted based on the selected time frame, enabling users to analyze performance trends over specific periods. The DEX score, along with its sub-scores, is recalculated once at 00:00 UTC. This calculation occurs at the most granular level, where threshold limits for Tolerating and Frustrating levels are also configured.

Furthermore, the scoring process involves aggregating scores from leaf metrics to generate compound metrics, providing users with a holistic understanding of digital experience performance. Leaf metrics refer to key performance indicators such as LogOn speed, Boot Speed, Device Reliability (crashes and hard resets), Device Performance (CPU and Memory Utilization), Software Performance (Software Freezes), and Software Reliability (Software Crashes).

This setup ensures that users have access to up-to-date insights and can effectively monitor and optimize digital experience metrics within their organization.

Within the Digital Experience section, users will find two key components.

Overview - The DEX Score

The DEX score is a metric that measures how well users are able to experience their digital workplace. The dashboard displays a variety of widgets that provide information about the overall DEX score, DEX score trends, endpoint scores, user experience, and time lost due to errors.

This dashboard displays the below widgets/reports-

  • Overall, DEX Score: Provides an overview of the organization's DEX score based on various performance metrics, including LogOn speed, Boot Speed, Device Reliability, Device Performance, Software Performance, and Software Reliability. The DEX score calculation involves aggregating these metrics, which refer to the most granular level of data collection, to generate a comprehensive assessment of the organization's digital experience performance.
  • DEX Score Trend: Displays the daily trend of the overall DEX score over the selected time. This trend analysis enables users to identify patterns and fluctuations in digital experience performance, aiding in proactive decision-making and optimization efforts.
  • Endpoint Score: Highlights the score for metrics associated with the endpoint experience, reflecting the efficiency of employee device usage. This score provides insights into device reliability, performance, and contributing to overall digital experience assessment.
  • Overall User Experience: Categorizes users based on their DEX score experience, distinguishing between Good, Tolerating, and Frustrating levels. This categorization facilitates targeted interventions to address issues and enhance user satisfaction.
  • Time Lost: Presents the productivity time lost due to errors, including hard resets, system crashes, application crashes, and freezes.
  • Regional DEX Score: Illustrates the DEX score by country, aiding in regional performance analysis.
  • Score by OS: Provides an overview of the overall DEX score categorized by device operating system.
  • Score by Country: Offers insights into the overall DEX score categorized by country.
  • Score by Device Type: Presents the overall DEX score categorized by device type, such as laptop or desktop.
  • DEX Score Daily Summary: Provides a daily summary of the DEX score, categorized by the days of the week. This summary enables users to track DEX score variations over time and identify patterns or recurring issues affecting digital experience performance.

Dashboard Summary

The Summary section of the Digital Experience dashboard encapsulates key insights and metrics essential for assessing and optimizing the organization's digital experience. It highlights key metrics and trends, allowing users to quickly assess performance patterns and identify areas that require attention.

This view contains following widgets/reports:

  • Score by OS Version: This report provides an overview of the overall DEX score categorized by different versions of the operating system (OS). By analyzing DEX scores across OS versions, user can identify performance variations and trends, enabling targeted optimization efforts and device management strategies.
  • Score by Manufacturer: Offering insights into the overall DEX score categorized by device manufacturer, this report highlights performance disparities across different hardware providers.
  • Score by State: This report presents the overall DEX score categorized by state, providing geographical insights into digital experience performance.

Score by Department: This report shows the overall DEX score by department.