Device Reliability

Device Reliability is a measure of how dependable and stable a device is in terms of its functionality and performance. It focusses on factors such as the frequency of errors and interruptions experienced by employees while using their devices.

This view contains following widgets/reports:

  • Crash Overview
  • Technical

Crash Overview

The Crash Overview widget provides detailed insights into the occurrences of crashes, facilitating proactive management of issues and device reliability. This overview encompasses various aspects related to crashes:

This view contains following reports/widgets:

  • System Crashes: This report highlights the occurrences of system crashes that have occurred over the selected period. System crashes represent failures within the system that may result in device instability and downtime.
  • Devices With Crashes: This report presents the number of devices experiencing crashes within the organization over the selected period.
  • Trend of Devices with Crashes: This trend report illustrates the fluctuations in the number of devices experiencing crashes over time. Clickable points on the trend chart provide access to raw data, facilitating detailed analysis and investigation into the root causes of crashes.
  • Trend of System Crashes: This trend report showcases the fluctuations in the occurrences of system crashes over the selected time.


The Technical section of the dashboard provides detailed insights into errors and interruptions experienced by employees while utilizing their devices. By analyzing these errors and interruptions, users can proactively address technical issues, optimize system performance, and enhance overall user experience.

This view contains following reports/widgets:
  • System Crashes by OS Name: This report categorizes system crashes based on the operating system (OS) name. It provides information on the number of system crashes, device count, and the respective OS names affected by the crashes.
  • System Crashes by OS Version: This report categorizes system crashes based on the operating system (OS) version. It offers insights into the number of system crashes, device count, and the respective OS versions affected by the crashes.
  • System Crashes by Device Type: This report categorizes system crashes based on the type of device. It presents information on the number of system crashes, device count, and the respective device types affected by the crashes.
  • System Crashes by Country: This report categorizes system crashes based on the geographical location of devices. It provides insights into the number of system crashes, device count, and the respective countries where the crashes occurred.
  • System Crashes by State: Like the previous report, this report categorizes system crashes based on the geographical location of devices, but at a more granular level of state or province. It offers insights into the number of system crashes, device count, and the respective states affected by the crashes.
  • Manufacturer by System Crashes: This report categorizes system crashes based on the device manufacturer. It presents information on the number of system crashes, device count, and the respective manufacturers of the affected devices.