Application Overview

This section helps the administrator monitor the business applications and look for performance issues. Applications are arranged in a card layout; colors are based on the comparative score of current and previous period.

This page displays a summary of application scores. However, it only includes applications that are marked as reporting true in the Application Mapping page. This ensures that only relevant applications intended for reporting are considered in the overview. For more information about Application mapping refer this Application page.

There are the following three views which the user gets on drilling down on a specific application.

Application Overview by DEX Score

For calculation of the Application DEX score we will consider the following Matrices

  • Crashes (number_of_application_crashes)
  • Freezes (number_of_application_not_responding_events)
  • Connectivity (successful_connection_ratio)

Application Overview by Connectivity Time

This tile/card view of the applications will compare the average connectivity time for each application selected and the previous time. Metric used for this view.

  • Network response time (average_network_response_time)

Application Overview by Number of Employee with Issues

This Application overview page compares the average number of employees experiencing issue with each application for the selected time. Metric used for this view is the count of the following:

  • Crashes (number_of_application_crashes)
  • Freezes (number_of_application_not_responding_events)

In the above figure – Application overview represents the application scores which are calculated based on three metrics: crashes, freezes, and response time.

The green color indicates a score of 100 (good), yellow indicates a score between 50 and 99 (Tolerating), and red indicates a score below 50 (Frustrating).