Troubleshooting Steps for Listener

Troubleshooting steps for resolving the "Not able to reach the component" issue in the Listener service, including starting the service, checking stored procedure data, investigating Key Rotation Service (KRS) issues, and resolving storage issues.

“Not able to reach the component” due to Listener Service issue

Table 1. Table 31 - Listener: Scenario 1
Issue Description Error message “Not able to reach the component” appears on Manage Jobs Job Log screen for the respective Job
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release, Unique
Probable Root Cause Listener service is not up and running.

Steps to resolve

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
  1. Click OK to open the Windows Services.
Figure 1. Figure 46 - Error message “Not able to reach the component”
  1. Find the service HCL.iAutomate.Listener and select it.
Figure 2. Figure 47 - Error message “Not able to reach the component” (cont.)
  1. Click Start to start the service.
Figure 3. Figure 48 - Error message “Not able to reach the component” (cont.)

“Not able to reach the component” due to the Stored Procedure issue

Table 2. Table 32 - Listener: Scenario 2
Issue Description Error message “Not able to reach the component” appears on Manage Jobs Job Log screen for the respective Job
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release, Unique
Probable Root Cause Related Stored Procedure is not giving the data.

Steps to resolve

  1. Go to SQL Server Management Studio.
  1. Go to iAutomateDB and run the Stored Procedure ‘GetJobToRunDetails’ and check if it is providing relevant data for the component jobs. If that is not the case, contact the System Administrator.
  2. Query to execute the Stored Procedure is:

exec GetJobToRunDetails ‘Y’,’Component_Code’,’Encrypted_Key’.

“Not able to reach the component” due to KRS issue

Table 3. Table 33 - Listener: Scenario 3
Issue Description Error message “Not able to reach the component” appears on Manage Jobs Job Log screen for the respective Job
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release, Unique
Probable Root Cause Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS)

Steps to resolve

If the Listener service is up and running and SP ‘GetJobToRunDetails’ is having right set of data, then check the Listener logs. Perform the following steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 4. Figure 49 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS)
  1. Click OK to open the Windows Services.
Figure 5. Figure 50 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)
  1. Click on any of the listed services. Type ‘H’ and search for HCL.iAutomate.Listener.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.Listener service and click Properties.
Figure 6. Figure 51 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in Path to executable as shown in the image below:
Figure 7. Figure 52 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer then paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for folder ListnerLogs and open it. Inside this folder, find folder Listner and open it. Inside it, find the latest text file (.txt) with name starting with ‘iAutomate.Listner’. This is the log file.
  3. Open the log file and check for the error mentioned below. This error implies that URL of KRS in config file of listener is either incorrect or not working properly.
Figure 8. Figure 53 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)

To find the URL from config file of listener, perform the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 9. Figure 54 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)
  1. Click OK to open Windows Services.
Figure 10. Figure 55 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)
  1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Listener.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.Listener service and click Properties.
Figure 11. Figure 56 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in Path to executable as shown in the image below.
Figure 12. Figure 57 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer then paste the copied path and press Enter to open the relevant folder.
  2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Listner.Service.Host config file as show in below image.
Figure 13. Figure 58 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)
  1. Open the config file and find the value of the key <URL>.
  2. To verify whether URL is correct or not, go to iAutomateDB, run the query “SELECT * FROM EnvironmentComponentURLs” to find the URL corresponding to component code= ‘KRS’. If both URL are same that means, there is issue in KRS URL. Find the value of the key <URL> and <URL Method> in the config to make KRS URL as ‘http://<IP>:<PORT>/KeyManagement.svc’.

<add key="URL" value="http://<IP>:<PORT>" />

<add key="URLMethod" value="/KRS/KeyManagement.svc" />

  1. Run this URL on browser. Check if WSDL of KeyManagement.svc loads successfully. If following error occurs, then there is error in KRS. Refer to Troubleshooting Steps for KRS.
Figure 14. Figure 59 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)

If the following WSDL loads, it implies that KRS is running fine.

Figure 15. Figure 60 - Issue in Key Rotation Service (KRS) (cont.)

“Not able to reach the component” due to Storage issue

Table 4. Table 34 - Listener: Scenario 4
Issue Description Error message “Not able to reach the component” appears on Manage Jobs Job Log screen for the respective Job.
Modules Impacted Data Collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release, Unique
Probable Root Cause Drive is full – Storage issue

Steps to resolve

  1. Go to the server where Listener service is installed. See if there is any space available on drive. If not, then ask the System Administrator to increase the space on the drive.
  1. Restart the service and check again.