Troubleshooting Steps for Data Collector

Troubleshooting steps for Data Collector: Tickets not appearing post data source creation, error message "No Records Found" on Job Log screen, ticket data not appearing even if job is successful, error message "Not able to reach the component", job status stuck at INITIATE/FAILED, job status failed due to Entry/Exit Criteria issue, Data Collector job stuck in reinstallation state, authentication error in Data Collector job, invalid request method issue, troubleshooting for space in URL.

Tickets are not appearing post data source creation

Table 1. Table 35 – Data Collector: Scenario 1
Issue Description Post creation of data source, tickets are not appearing on the screen
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release
Probable Root Cause

‘CollectIncidents’ job may not be enabled.

Figure 1. Figure 61 – Data Collector

Steps to resolve

  1. Under Manage Jobs screen, select CollectIncidents job and enable it by clicking on Enable Jobs button.
Figure 2. Figure 62 - Data Collector (cont.)
  1. The status of the job should change to Successful.
Figure 3. Figure 63 - Data Collector (cont.)

“No Records Found” on the Job Log screen for Data Collector job

Table 2. Table 36 - Data Collector: Scenario 2
Issue Description

Error message “No Records Found” appears on the Manage jobs Job Log screen for Data Collector job.

Figure 4. Figure 64 - Error message “No Records Found”
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release
Probable Root Cause CollectIncidents’ job is enabled but status of job is Failed

Steps to resolve

  1. Open the log of the job CollectIncidents.
  1. If the message in logfile reads ‘No Record Found’, it doesn’t imply an error. It could be due to the fact that there is no ticket data available. Once the data is available, data collector will fetch the data and ticket will start appearing on screen.

Ticket Data is not appearing

Table 3. Table 37 - Data Collector: Scenario 3
Issue Description Ticket Data is not appearing on the screen even if ‘CollectIncidents’ job is enabled and status of the job is Successful.
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release
Probable Root Cause

Execution Scope is not mapped

Figure 5. Figure 65 - Ticket Data not appearing on screen

Steps to resolve

  1. To map execution scope, it is a pre-requisite that organization should be mapped with a runbook tool. To check this, go to Organization Map Runbook Tool and map the runbook tool, if not already mapped.
Figure 6. Figure 66 - Ticket Data not appearing on screen (cont.)
  1. Once the Runbook Tool is mapped with the organization and its data source, go to Organization Manage Execution Scope.
  2. See if any execution scope is mapped with the pair of organization and data source corresponding to a mapped runbook tool. If not, then map it.
  3. Select the runbook tool mapped with the organization and provide Runbook Tool Tenant ID (Optional) and click Save.
Figure 7. Figure 67 - Ticket Data not appearing on screen (cont.)
  1. Now check the availability of tickets on screen.

‘Not able to reach the component’

Table 4. Table 38 - Data Collector: Scenario 4
Issue Description Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ appears
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release
Probable Root Cause

CollectIncidents’ job is enabled, and status of job is Failed – Issue with Data Collector Service

Figure 8. Figure 68 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’
Figure 9. Figure 69 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ (cont.)

Steps to resolve

Open the job log for CollectIncidents job. If the job log reads ‘Not able to reach the component’, check the status of Data Collector service by performing the following steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 10. Figure 70 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ (cont.)
  1. Click OK to open the Windows Services.
Figure 11. Figure 71 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ (cont.)
  1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.DC.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.DC service and click on Properties.
Figure 12. Figure 72 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ (cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in Path to executable as shown in the image below.
Figure 13. Figure 73 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ (cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer, then paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.DataCollector.Service.Host.exe config file and open it in Notepad.
Figure 14. Figure 74 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ (cont.)
  1. Search for key ServiceHostURL. The value corresponding to this key is the heartbeat URL. Copy it and paste it in browser. If the following page appears, it implies that either the service is not running or there is an issue with datacollector.
Figure 15. Figure 75 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ (cont.)
  1. If the following WSDL loads successfully, it implies that the service is running fine.
Figure 16. Figure 76 - Error message ‘Not able to reach the component’ (cont.)

The job status is Failed due to Authorization issue

Table 5. Table 39 - Data Collector: Scenario 5
Issue Description CollectIncidents job is enabled, the datacollector service is running fine but still status of job is Failed
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release
Probable Root Cause Authorization Issue

Steps to resolve

  1. Go to Environment Component Log.
  2. Check the logs corresponding to the component name ‘Data Collector’ for the particular time interval when the job is not running.
Figure 17. Figure 77 – Error in Data Source creation
  1. If the log reads, ‘Unauthorized’, it implies that there is some issue with the created data source.
  2. Check the data source has been created by going to Organization View Data Sources.
  3. Click Edit and ensure that the provided credentials/details in ‘Fetch Data Configuration’ tab are correct.
Figure 18. Figure 78 – Error in Data Source creation (cont.)

The status of job is stuck at INITIATE/FAILED

Table 6. Table 40 - Data Collector: Scenario 6
Issue Description CollectIncidents’ job is enabled, the data collector service is running fine, but status of job is stuck at INITIATE/FAILED (in case of reset)
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release
Probable Root Cause

Issue with Listener as it is not able to hit Data Collector.

Figure 19. Figure 79 - Status of job is stuck at INITIATE/FAILED
Figure 20. Figure 80 - Status of job is stuck at INITIATE/FAILED

Steps to resolve

If the status of the job CollectIncidents remains Initiate for a long time, it implies that Listener is not picking up the job.

Also, if user resets the job, and status of the job remains ‘Failed’ for a long time and the log of the job reads ‘Job Reset’ then also it implies that Listener is not picking up the job.

Refer to Troubleshooting Steps for Listener for more information.

The job status is Failed due to Entry / Exit Criteria issue

Table 7. Table 41 - Data Collector: Scenario 7
Issue Description CollectIncidents’ job is enabled, the data collector service is running fine, but status of job is Failed
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release
Probable Root Cause Issue with Entry / Exit Criteria

Steps to resolve

  1. Check if the ticket is present in iIncident table in the corresponding organization database.

Query - select * from iIncident.

  1. If the query does not return any data, it implies that URL that is entered for fetching data while creating data source is wrongly formed.
  2. Correct it and try again.
Figure 21. Figure 81 - Status of job is Failed
  1. If the ticket is present in table ‘iIncident’ but not in table ‘iIncidetActionable’ (select * from iIncidetActionable), then also tickets won’t appear on screen. For tickets to appear in iIncidentActionable table, ensure that Entry criteria has been properly defined because only those tickets will be available in iIncidentActionable table which satisfies the defined Entry criteria.
  2. To check for Entry criteria, go to Organization View Data Sources Manage Entry Criteria and ensure the correct criteria are defined.
Figure 22. Figure 82 - Status of job is Failed (cont.)
  1. Only those tickets will appear on the screen which satisfy the defined criteria.
Figure 23. Figure 83 - Status of job is Failed (cont.)

2.6.8 Data collector Job is stuck in reinstallation state

Table 42 - Data Collector: Scenario 8

Issue Description Data Collector service is not running. It is one of the primary service for Product & ServiceNow Integration. This is normally observed during upgrade from 6.0.3 to 6.1
Modules Impacted Data collector, Recommendation, iParse, Generic, RBA, Release
Findings Windows update patch KB5019964 is the root cause of the reported issue. JavaScript files referenced in Product application gets blocked if the security patch KB5019964 is installed on windows server.
Steps to resolve Uninstall the security patch KB5019964.

2.6.9 Authentication error in Data Collector Job

Table 43 - Data Collector: Scenario 9

Issue Description Error in authentication while fetching data from the source.
Probable Root Cause

Invalid credentials configured for data source.

Figure 24. Figure 84 – Data source authentication error

Steps to resolve
  1. Fetch the data source details.
  2. Check for the authentication credentials of data source.
  3. Look for the username and password whether it is provided correctly.

2.6.10 Invalid Request Method Issue

Table 44 - Data Collector: Scenario 10

Issue Description Invalid REST API request method configured in data source configuration.
Probable Root Cause Invalid REST API method configured for datasource configuration.
Figure 25. Figure 85 – Error for invalid REST API request method
Steps to resolve
  1. Check the REST API request method configured in data source configuration.
  2. Change it to GET method.

2.6.11 Troubleshooting for Space in URL

Table 45 - Data Collector: Scenario 11

Issue description Failed to fetch data from the URL and Job is stuck while fetching the details from the source.
Probable Root Cause

Space present in the URL configured as source.


Figure 86 – Error if space present in URL configured as source

Steps to resolve
  1. Recheck the URL
  2. Remove unwanted spaces and special characters from the URL configured as source.