Troubleshooting Steps for BigFix Runbook AI WEB API

Troubleshooting steps for resolving various issues with the BigFix Runbook AI WEB API, including the WEB API not running, no response received from the WEB API service, method error occurring, and unable to reach the API.

WEB API is not running

Table 1. Table 27 - BigFix Runbook AI WEB API: Scenario 1
Issue Description WEB API is not running
Modules Impacted Web API

Steps to resolve

  1. Press Win+R and type inetmgr
  1. Click OK to open IIS.
Figure 1. Figure 41 - WEB API is not running
  1. Expand Sites and click HCLiAutomateWEBAPI.
Figure 2. Figure 42 - WEB API is not running (cont.)
  1. If Start under Manage Website section is enabled, click Start to start the services.
  2. If the issue persists, contact System Administrator.

WEB API service - No response received

Table 2. Table 28 - BigFix Runbook AI WEB API: Scenario 2
Issue Description WEB API service is running, yet there is no response received
Modules Impacted Authentication Failure

Steps to resolve

  1. Ensure that the credentials used for calling the API are correct.
  1. Ensure that the input json which is being supplied as input to API is in correct format.

Sample JSON request:

‘{"JobId": 15,"TicketNumber": "INC004763686","RbaInteractionId": "bd3440c3-d55d-4a85-99bf-deae14de9847","RbaStatusCode": "0","RbaStatusMessage": "WIP"}’

Ensure all the parameters are correct.

“Method Error Occurred”

Table 3. Table 29 - BigFix Runbook AI WEB API: Scenario 3
Issue Description

Error message Method Error Occurred appears in the Component Log screen of Web API.

Figure 3. Figure 43 - Method Error in the Component Log
Modules Impacted Provided JSON may not be correct format

Steps to resolve

  1. Open Postman and paste the desired URL.
  1. Select the method type as PUT and provide input JSON in Body section. Provide valid credentials for Basic Authentication and click Send.
Figure 4. Figure 44 - Method Error in the Component Log
  1. If the response error is as mentioned below, it implies that the JSON input is not in single quotes.

If the following error occurrs:


"result": {

"statusCode": 300,

"status": "Fail",

"message": "Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: value",

"data": null



  1. Ensure that the input JSON is always in single quotes.
  2. Correct Format of JSON is used:








Unable to reach API

Table 30 - Product WEB API: Scenario 4

Issue Description Unable to get response from RBA Tool
Modules Impacted ExecuteRunbook
Probable root cause

Push notification is not turned ON.


Figure 45 – NotFound http status code

Steps to resolve

Go to ExecuteRunbook Job Turn ON execute runbook JOB

This is applicable only for Ansible and Scorch.