Conversational Designer Formats and Options

The Conversational Designer follows standard formats or ways to define the text or variables to be used in nodes. These formats are common across all the nodes.

Format/Option Descriptions or usage
Normal Text Include the plain text either in single or double quotes. For example, "Enter your name" or 'Enter your name'.
Variables/Parameters Name of the previous node can be directly included as variable in most of the cases. For example, if you are using a Text Prompt node say "GetUserName" to get input from a user, then you can directly use GetUserName as variable in the current node without single or double quotes. When you are including the variable along with the text, include + before the variable name like "Your name is "+GetUserName.
Bold Use ** before and after the word to be made bold. For example, to the display the text as "How to highlight a word." in the conversation, include the text as "How to **highlight** a word."
Italics Use _ before and after the word to be made bold. For example, to the display the text as "How to use italics in the Text node." in the conversation, include the text as "How to use _italics_ in the Text node."
New Line Include \n\n at the end or start of the sentence to start the current or next sentence in new line. For example, "Thanks for placing the order.\n\nDo visit us again!!"
Hyperlinks Include [] square brackets for reference text and brackets for the url. For example, 'Visit [here]( to know about our ISD products'.
Disable Textbox Enable this checkbox in the nodes to disable the text-box in the chat window to avoid user from entering any text before performing the required actions. This checkbox is available in Box selector, Carousel, Confirmation and Forms nodes.
Save as Template Select this checkbox to save the node as Template, which can be reused across other flows in the same project. This checkbox will be available in HTTP, Flow, Forms and Script nodes.