Nodes and Templates

In the conversational designer, nodes and templates play a pivotal role in crafting seamless and interactive conversations between users and conversational agents. These essential building blocks enable designers and developers to create dynamic and engaging chatbots.

Nodes serve as the fundamental components within a conversational designer's toolkit. They represent individual steps or actions within a conversation flow, guiding the interaction between users and conversational agents. Each node is responsible for handling a specific user input, performing an action, or providing information to the user. By connecting nodes in a structured manner, designers can create cohesive and meaningful conversational experiences.

Templates serve as reusable flows in conversational designer, allowing designers to save and reuse specific parts of a conversation. By leveraging a flow, HTTP, script, and forms nodes within templates, designers can create consistent, dynamic, and interactive conversational experiences.

Listed below the available nodes and descriptions:

Actions Description
Agent Transfer The Agent Transfer node facilitates the transfer of a conversation from a conversational agent to a human agent or customer support representative. It allows users to escalate their queries or concerns to a human operator when necessary. Designers can define the conditions or triggers that prompt the transfer, ensuring a seamless transition between automated and human-assisted interactions. you can set heading of the conversations and details to be transferred to the Agents.
Box Selector This node allows users to make choices by presenting them with a list of options. Each option is typically represented as a button or a card, providing a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for selecting among multiple actions or paths.
Carousel The Carousel node presents a set of options or cards to users in a horizontally scroll-able format. Each card typically includes an image, title, and description, enabling designers to showcase multiple choices or items in an engaging visual manner. Users can select an option from the carousel, initiating the corresponding action or providing more detailed information.
Confirm The Confirm node prompts users to confirm or verify their choices or decisions within a conversation. It allows designers to seek explicit user confirmation before proceeding with further actions or steps. This node is useful for reducing errors, validating user intent, and ensuring a high level of accuracy in conversational interactions.
Email The Email node enables the conversational agent to send emails as part of the conversation flow. Designers can define the recipient, subject, and content of the email, allowing for automated communication via email. This node is particularly useful for sending confirmations, notifications, or follow-up messages to users.
EXPR The Expression node allows designers to incorporate dynamic and contextual content within a conversation. It enables the use of variables, calculations, conditional statements, and other programming expressions. Designers can manipulate data, perform calculations, or personalize messages based on user input or system information, enhancing the conversational experience.
Flow The Flow node enables designers to invoke and navigate to another flow or sub-flow within the overall conversation. It allows for the modular design of conversation flows, enabling designers to reuse and organize conversations effectively. Designers can define the conditions or triggers that activate the flow node, ensuring smooth transitions between different parts of the conversation.
Input Capture The Input Capture node enables designers to collect and store user input during a conversation. It allows for the gathering of various types of information, such as text, numbers, dates, or multiple-choice options. Designers can define the input requirements, validate user responses, and store the captured data for further processing or personalization.
HTTP With an HTTP node, designers can integrate external APIs or web services into the conversation flow. This node enables fetching or sending data to external systems, expanding the capabilities of the conversational agent.
Media The Media node enriches the conversation by allowing designers to incorporate multimedia content such as images, videos, or audio files. It provides a visually engaging and interactive experience for users, enhancing the overall conversation and enabling the conveyance of information through different media formats.
Script The script node empowers designers to execute custom code or scripts within the conversation flow. It is a versatile node that allows for complex logic and dynamic data manipulation, extending the possibilities of conversational interactions.
Text This node enables the conversational agent to display simple text messages to the user. Text nodes are used for providing information, instructions, or general conversational prompts.
Text Prompt This node is similar to the text node but with an added functionality of expecting a specific response from the user. It allows designers to ask questions or prompt users to provide input in a conversational manner.
Trigger Intent The Trigger Intent node serves as the starting point of a conversation flow in the middle of conversation. It detects specific user intents or keywords and initiates the conversation based on those triggers. Designers can define the intents or keywords that activate this node, allowing for targeted and contextually relevant conversations to begin.