Getting Started with IntelliService

To get started using IntelliService to create virtual agents or to consume intelligent product triage for agent, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign up for a trial License
  2. Configure IntelliService for first time use
  3. Build automated workflows/conversational chat-bots
  4. Perform context based search
  5. Perform product triage for customer problem statement

Sign up for a trial License

If you are new to IntelliService, start by signing up. Access the website and sign up for a trial version by entering your details and selecting required features. If you are requesting for enterprise, reach out to

After signing up for the trial version, default user credentials will be shared to the registered e-mail address. Use the default user credentials to login to the application, and on the first login, you will be prompted to change default sign up password. Your data will be stored till the trial period. If you are signed up for conversational assistant, after changing the default password, you must update the virtual assistant expiry date in the page.

Configure IntelliService for first time use

After accessing the application, in the Homepage, you can see the default common project tile with 2 flows and 0 documents. To create project, follow the steps below:

  1. In the homepage, click CREATE > NEW PROJECT, and enter project name without spaces, and project description.

    Note: Project name is case sensitive.

  2. Click SAVE to create a project. By default, the project is created unanswered bot intent and empty document list and flows.
  3. In the Settings > User Management page, create Roles and User Groups. In the user groups, associate the user roles and projects.
  4. In the Users page, add user names and email address to invite them.
  5. On Successful invite, the users can be associated with user groups and roles. Based on the roles, the user can access the application settings and feature configurations.
  6. As a first step, you can click ADD and import existing intents, flows and documents if any.

Build automated workflows/conversational chat-bots

Based on the procured license entitlement or trial license subscription, you can develop automated workflows/conversational chatbot. To start building the conversational chatbot, create intents, train them with user phrases, and create the flows and map the intents and flows to perform actions. For more about conversational AI, refer Conversational Designer.

Perform context based search

Cognitive search allows user to get information available across different data source. For more about cognitive search, refer Cognitive Search.

Perform product triage for customer problem statement

Product triage feature can be consumed to find resolutions for the customer issues in no time using the intelligent ML-based triaging model. For more about Intelligent Product Triage, refer Intelligent Triage.