
Sends a message to the HCL Workload Automation console.


{tellop | to} [text]


Specifies the text of the message. The message can contain up to 900 characters.


If tellop is issued on the master domain manager, the message is sent to all linked workstations. If issued on a domain manager, the message is sent to all of the linked agents in its domain and subordinate domains. If issued on a workstation other than a domain manager, the message is sent only to its domain manager if it is linked. The message is displayed only if the console message level is greater than zero. See console.

If tellop is entered alone, it prompts for the message text. At the prompt, type each line and press the Return key. At the end of the message, type two slashes (//) or a period (.), and press the Return key. You can use the new line sequence (\n) to format messages. Typing Control+c at any time will exit the tellop command without sending the message.


To send a message, run the following command:
tellop TWS will be stopped at\n4:30 for 15 minutes. 
To prompt for text before sending a message, run the following command:
TELLOP>*  TWS will be stopped at       * 
TELLOP>*  4:30 for 15 minutes.         * 