
Alters the priority of a job or job stream.

You must have altpri access to the job or job stream.


{altpri | ap} jobselect | jstreamselect


See Selecting jobs in commands.
See Selecting job streams in commands.
Specifies the priority level. You can enter a value of 0 through 99, hi, or go.
Specifies not to prompt for confirmation before taking action on each qualifying job or job stream.


To change the priority of the balance job in job stream glmonth(0900 02/19/06), run the following command:
ap glmonth(0900 02/19/06).balance;55
To change the priority of job stream glmonth(0900 02/19/06), run the following command:
ap glmonth(0900 02/19/06);10

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as follows:
  1. In the navigation bar at the top, click Monitoring and Reporting > Workload Monitoring > Monitor Workload.
  2. Select an engine.
  3. In Object Type, select Job or Job Stream.
  4. From the Query drop-down list, select a query to monitor jobs or job streams.
  5. Click Run to run the monitoring task.
  6. From the table containing the list of results, select the job or job stream whose priority you want to change and click More Actions > Priority tab.
  7. In the displayed panel, set the new priority and click OK.