Running commands from conman

About this task

conman commands consist of the following elements:

commandname selection arguments


Specifies the command name.
Specifies the object or set of objects to be acted upon. Most scheduling objects support the use of folders. The objects can be organized into a tree-like structure of folders similar to a file system.
Specifies the command arguments.

When submitting commands involving folders, you can specify either a relative or absolute path to the folder. If no folder is specified, then the command is performed using the current folder which is set to root ("/") by default. If you generally work from a specific folder, then you can use the chfolder command to navigate to folders and sub-folders. The chfolder command changes the working directory or current folder, so that you can use relative folder paths when submitting commands.

See chfolder for detailed information about the ways you can modify the current folder.
The following is an example of a conman command:
sj sked1(1100 03/05/2006).@+state=hold~priority=0;info;offline
The abbreviated form of the showjobs command.
sked1(1100 03/05/2006).@+state=hold~priority=0
Selects all jobs in the job stream sked1(1100 03/05/2006) that are in the HOLD state with a priority other than zero.
Arguments for the showjobs command.

For conman commands that operate on jobs and job streams where job and job stream specifications include '#' special character, the '=' value delimiter must precede the object selection.

See the following example:
cj=site3#apwkly(0900 02/19/06).report
The abbreviated form of the cancel job command.
site3#apwkly(0900 02/19/06).report
Selects job report in job stream apwkly(0900 02/19/06) on workstation site3.