Contents of the Detailed Link report

The Detailed Link Report presents counts for email messages received, messages viewed, and click-throughs. For landing pages that are linked to the email, the report provides link click-through data. Response data for links in email and landing pages appear separately.

The contents of the Detail Link Report appear on multiple levels in a linked hierarchy. As you drill down through the report, each level of the report provides a narrower focus, ultimately showing results for a specific link by mailing instance.

The Detailed Link Report presents email and landing page link response data on the following levels. Report levels are also called dimensions.

  1. Mailing and Landing Pages
  2. Link Names
  3. Mailing Instances

Right-click on a mailing name or landing page name to drill down or drill up through the report.

You can also navigate up and down through the report using the reports toolbar in the upper right corner of the report window. Click in the left column of the report and use the drill up and drill down controls.

Mailings and Landing Pages

The Mailings and Landing Pages level presents results about each mailing for which Unica has received a message or link response. The report lists mailings individually. For mailings with multiple instances, the Mailings level summarizes the values for all instances under each mailing.

For email, you can view counts for message receipt, views, and link clicks for one or more instances of various mailings within a single campaign.

For landing pages, you can view counts for page views and click-through results for links on landing pages referenced by email messages sent as part of the mailing instances selected for the report.

Click a mailing or landing page name to drill down to the Links level.

Email Communication
Mailing Names - Mailings Name of a mailing in the campaign. The entry in this column provides the link required to drill down to the Links level of the report.
Received Sum of email messages sent and received, across all selected mailing instances. Messages that did not send successfully are not included in the count.
Unique Views The number of different recipients who viewed this message, across all selected mailing instances.
Total Clicks Sum of the clicks of all email links by all recipients, across all selected mailing instances.
Unique Clicks Sum of different recipients who clicked at least one link in the email, across all selected mailing instances.

Unique Click Rate

Unique Clicks divided by messages Received.

The result is multiplied by 100 to express the rate as a percentage.

Landing Page Communication
Landing Pages - Mailings Name of landing pages that are linked to mailings included in the report. The entry in this column provides the link required to drill down to the Links level of the report.
Received Information about total number received is not applicable to landing pages.
Unique Views Number of different page visitors, across all selected mailing instances.
Total Clicks Sum of the clicks for all landing page links by all email recipients, across all selected mailing instances.
Unique Clicks The number of different email recipients who clicked at least one link in a landing page referenced by this mailing, across all selected mailing instances.

Unique Click Rate

Unique Clicks divided by Unique Views.

The result is multiplied by 100 to express the rate as a percentage.


On the Links level, you see response results for each link in the mailing you selected in the Mailing level. For links that appear in multiple mailing instances, the report presents the sum of the values across the instances.

For email, the report lists the display names of links contained in the email message. The link name appears only if at least one email recipient clicked the link.

For landing pages, the report lists names of links on the landing page that were clicked at least once by an email recipient.

The report specifically identifies links associated with sharing your marketing email on social networks. The report identifies clicks when email recipients share a link to the email. The report also identifies clicks on the link that was shared and the social network where the click originated. The report identifies the link clicks as follows.

  • Clicks on the social share link in the email: Social_Traffic

    This number indicates on how many social networks the email recipient shared a link to the message.

  • Clicks in the various social networks on the link that was shared : <channel>_Share

    The channel is the specific social network. The number of clicks represents the number of other individuals who viewed your message after the email recipient shared a link to the message.

Note: If the email that contains the social sharing links also contains a View As Web Page link, the link clicks on the View As Web Page link are reported instead of Social_traffic. However, the report still reports results for clicks on the links shared on social networks as <channel>_Share.

Click a link name to drill down to the Mailing Instances level.

Email Communication
Link Names for <mailing name> The display name of a link that is contained in the selected mailing. The entry in this column provides the link required to drill down to the Mailing Instances level of the report.
Received Sum of links sent and received as part of the selected mailing, across all selected mailing instances. This total includes links in messages that did not send successfully.
Unique Views The number of different email recipients who viewed the link (by opening the email), across all selected mailing instances.
Total Clicks Sum of times the link was clicked by any recipient, across all selected mailing instances.
Unique Clicks The number of different email recipients who clicked the link, across all selected mailing instances.

Unique Click Rate

Unique Clicks divided by links Received.

The result is multiplied by 100 to express the rate as a percentage.

Landing Page Communication
Link Name for <landing page> The display names of the links contained in landing pages that are linked to mailings included in the report. The entry in this column provides the link required to drill down to the Mailing Instances level of the report.
Received Information about total number received is not applicable to landing pages.
Unique Views The number of times a different email recipient viewed the link (by opening the page), across all selected mailing instances.
Total Clicks Sum of times the link was clicked by any recipient, across all selected mailing instances.
Unique Clicks The number of different email recipients who clicked the link, across all selected mailing instances.

Unique Click Rate

Unique Clicks divided by Unique Views.

The result is multiplied by 100 to express the rate as a percentage.

Mailing Instances

On the Mailing Instances level, the report lists each mailing instance where Unica has received at least one response for the link that you selected on the Links level. Each mailing instance indicates the date and time of the mailing run.

For email, the list includes all mailing instances in which email recipients clicked the link you selected on the Links level.

For landing pages, the list includes the mailing instances in which email recipients visited the landing page and then clicked the link that you selected on the Links level.

Email Communication
Mailing Instances for <link name> The mailing instances where the selected link appears and was clicked at least once by an email recipient.
Received Number of times the selected link was sent and received as part of the mailing instance. This number corresponds to the number of messages sent and received, including links in messages that did not send successfully.
Unique Views The number of times the link was viewed (by opening the email) by different email recipients who received the email as part of the mailing instance.
Total Clicks The number of times the link was clicked by any recipient that received the email as part of the mailing instance.
Unique Clicks The number of different recipients that clicked the link after receiving the email as part of the mailing instance.

Unique Click Rate

Unique Clicks divided by links Received.

The result is multiplied by 100 to express the rate as a percentage.

Landing Page Communication
Mailing Instances for <link name> The mailing instances where the selected link appears and was clicked at least once by an email recipient.
Received Information about total number received is not applicable to landing pages.
Unique Views The number of times the link was viewed (by opening the page) by different email recipients who received the email as part of the mailing instance.
Total Clicks Total number of times the link on the landing page was clicked by an individual that received email in connection with the mailing instance.
Unique Clicks The number of different individuals who received the email sent with the mailing instance and who also clicked the link on the landing page.
Unique Click Rate

Unique Clicks divided by Unique Views.

The result is multiplied by 100 to express the rate as a percentage.


Although the Mailing Instance level is the lowest level of the report, mailing instance names appear as drill-down links. When you click the link, the date and time for the mailing instance displays instead of the link name in the column heading. This additional drill-down link is a known behavior and does not affect the performance of the report. To return to the Mailing Instance level, right-click an instance and select Drill Up.