About following link click data for hosted landing pages

As part of its landing page hosting service, Unica supports links between hosted landing pages. Any hosted landing page can contain links to any other hosted landing page. Landing pages can also link to external, non-hosted pages.

The Links level of the Detailed Link Report does not distinguish between links to hosted landing pages and other links. Links to hosted landing pages appear as ordinary links. This characteristic can affect certain aspects of how you interpret results for links on landing pages.

For each landing page contained in the report, the list of links displayed on the Links level can include links to other landing pages. However, on the Links level, you cannot drill down further on a landing page link to view link results for the target landing page. To see link click data for a landing page, you must drill down from the Mailings level to the Links level separately for each landing page.

The Detailed Link Report includes data for link click-throughs, including links between hosted landing pages, as summary counts for all clicks to the target page. It does not present click-through data according to any sequence in which a recipient might have reached a link or page.

For example, consider a case of two landing pages with secondary links to the same landing page, as shown in the following example. In the example, two product landing pages link to the same purchase request landing page.

Diagram of nested landing pages

In this example, the number of reported clicks for the Purchase landing page is independent of the path used to reach the page. When listing the 600 clicks for the Purchase page, the report does not differentiate among the 600 clicks. It does not indicate how many were based on the 500 clicks that came from Landing Page A compared to the 1500 clicks that came from Landing Page B. The report only indicates that the link on the Purchase landing page was clicked 600 times.

To help gain a clear understanding of link click behavior, you might consider creating separate landing pages to isolate links that you want to monitor. In the example given here, you might create separate purchase request pages for each product.