Removing and adding workflows | HCL Digital Experience

The process of adding and removing workflows on items is determined by the type of item that is being edited, and your level of access.

Before you begin

Note: When an item is first created, you require manager access to that item type in any library to access the Add Workflow and Remove Workflow buttons. When saved, you require manager access to both the item and item type in the library the item is stored in.


  1. To add a workflow on a non-workflowed item:
    1. Create or open a draft item in edit mode.
    2. Click Add Workflow.
    3. A workflow section is added to the form. Select a workflow to use.
    4. Save the item.
  2. To remove a workflow on an item that uses a multiple-stage workflow:
    1. Create or open a draft item in edit mode.
    2. Click Remove Workflow.
    3. The workflow section is removed from the item form.
    4. If you click Save, the item is saved in draft mode and the workflow is not removed from the live item until you publish the draft.
    5. If you click Save and publish, the published item is saved and no longer requires a workflow.
  3. You cannot create drafts of items that use a single-stage workflow. To remove a workflow on an item that uses a single-stage workflow:
    1. Create or open an item in edit mode.
    2. Click Remove Workflow.
    3. The workflow section is removed from the item form.
    4. If you click Save, the published item is saved and no longer requires a workflow.
    5. If you click Save as Draft, the workflow is not removed from the live item until you publish the draft.